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Sawmill Congress Held at Longview

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Nearly 200 designers, builders and operators of leading sawmills of the Pacific Coast met recently in Longview, Wash., for the. first sarvmill conference ever to be held in this section of the United States. Improved lumber manufacture was the purpose and general theme of the meeting, delegates to which represented millstotalling a lumber output of sixty million feet daily. The convention city, in which are the largest lumber manufacturing plants in the world, those of the Long-Bell Lumber Company, and in which other great plants are now being built by the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company, is located just fifty miles from the spot where the first sawmill in the Northwest was built in 1828.

The delegates adopted a resolution urging schools of forestry to include in their curriculum, courses in engineering that have a bearing on the lumber industry, so that these schools might send out men with technical training in sawmill machinery and operation.

At the closing session a permanent organization rvas effected and the following officers elected: President, A. M. Hagen, Bridal Veil, Oregon; Vice-President, Ernest Dolge, Tacoma, Washington, and W. G. Collins, Fort Bragg, California; Secretary-Treasurer, George F. Cornwall, Portland, Oregon. Regional directors are: For Washington, E. W. Stuchell of Everett; {or Oregon, E. E. Martin of Eugene; for ldaho, J. F. Main of Bonner; for British Columbia, E. W. Haskell of New Westminster; for Arizona, I. B. Koch of Flagstaff; for New Mexico, George E. Breece of Alamogordo; for Colorado, lohn Zalaha of McFee; for South Dakota, C. J. Warren of Rapid City.

"If Your Business Won't Support a Research DepartmentGo Into Some Other Business"

(Continued from Page 14) essayed to run a plow on a farm, and just plowed helter- We are all pretty much like my lumber friend who used skelter in every direction, his idea being that it all had to metal in his own home to replace a product he had manube plowed anyway' -. factured for a generation. We don't KNOW.

Men, let's quit kidding ourselves and one another, and face the facts. This industry isn't keeping up with the march we are foundering and hoping' And there is neither of progress. we are following the same old ruts-and the intelligence or courage in either' only difference between a rut and a grave, is the depth. (Note: The other day one of the big men of the industry lVe have improved some, of course, but most of the im- said to me: "Are you losing your fire? You never give us provement is individual. We aren't facing our problems- Hell any more, and f miss your shafts, and know that the we're simply dodging them. others do." So this is just the first of a series of plain talks

We are without a collective aim, a collective program, an to the lumber industry. As Sam Jones used to say: "ff intelligent and practical plan-based on, definite research you'll just hold while I skin, the price of hides will sure go and investigation-to improve our situation. down.")

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