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East BaY Home Modernizins Bureau Starts Advertisin$

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J. E. Neighbor Monasins. Director East BaiHome Moderni' zation Bureau.

Starting their advertising campaign with a full page in an Oakland daily paper .uify-in Janua-ry, the East Bay- Home Modernizing Bureau goi i*"i"aiate results in the- form. o{ an inquirv the first da-y-which led to a $12'000 modernizing i.t,'"l.iiafi l;1. E: Neighbor, managing director of the bureau. " Si"titti.. furnished by bureaus that have been functioni"J fot-.o-e time in ot-her cities, indicate that the average ioB handled amounts to about $2000' '";{;;;;;;;tt"* ln.t in Topeka, Kansas, it cost the bureau ."j;$200o to develop $100,in0 in business for its members' ;il;.;;;;k ;";;.;t.'d itt. ""to. of the. propertv represented ;;;hiiOdm,;;e i; ili";;;;;ri', *iit'i'i nve rveeks arter ttr" Ur'i*"u began to function, $55,000^*otth of business was developed ata cost oi-t"tt'tiran $1000' Numerous other ;;;;i* "i the value of these bureaus are available' and it "..-J ."tttin that itte-gttt Bay Bureau will soon be able to claim a similar record' ""R;t B. Co*, gerreoirn"tttg-tt of-the Built-in-Fixture Co'' n.*6r.r i, .i,iir-"tt of tn"-bo"td of-governors of the bu;il-;;; iu-tr.to.tt on the board include B' E' Brvan' Strable Hardwood tL., O"ftf""d;-A:.M' S' Pearce' E' K' Wood Lumber Co.,-Cjidt"d, and Clyde I' Speer' Zenith Mill & Lumber Co., Oakland'

Redwood-Urns and Flower

Boxes for Sale in Cartons

Responding to the call for up-to-the-minute merchandisid;5th;.,-r-rt1 -Pl;.ifl " I-umber companv' San Francisco' announce ir, .n "ttiJ.ti-"t-iofatt in {our iolors' that-they ;;;';;;et to .upptvlo retail lumber dealers Redwood lJrns' il;;;b"*.., ^Poi.h and Window Box-es' and Greenhouse i,i"i.-""a Plant Boxes, all packed in .fibre board cartons' one complete turn ot to*, kntck down- in a carton' with full i;t;;l[;. -"r,d ttt" necessary nails for assembly' "'T;-;;;pl"i. itt. il"i "itpt" brackets of Clear Redwood' *t i.tt wiil accommodate "ith"t size. \f indol Box' are i;;;i;i;Ji" ihe knock dolvn at a. nominal cost' r'vith necessary nails fo, "r."-ityl and Redwood- Plant Stakes' made ;?' i.;6;;:a- R;a;.;;,' a'e'sea smoothlv, one end Pginied' and suitable to, "rry"fruoi iequiring staking' such as dahlias' are also furnished.*Th;iI;; and Flower Boxes, neatly-designed for decoratirr-e'fr.nG-"t n"*.it, ars buiit of Clear lleart Redrvood' iS"qioi" Sempervirettt;, ittt of sapwood' and will ot1!l1st X*lilta *rii. t.t. than stone or concrete' The simplicity ;filttil ;ili h;;.nize with anv-. stvle of architecture' These are made ttt'-ttti." ti""t' \ryittdo* Boxes are also made in three sizes. ---A r"rrrpl" Box or Urn will be mailed to any dealet,.9t "?-- plication'to The Pacific Lumber Companv' JII Lalltornra 5i.; s;;;^ Fi"r,-"ir-.o-, t;iif - R;qttst should specif v whether fl;;;;, window, gieenhouse flai or plant box is wanted'

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