1 minute read
State Association Notes
Harry A. Lake, President of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, and Walter Spicer, Director, visited lumbermen in the San Bernardino District on February 5. They also attended the meeting of the Pomona Valley Lumbermen's Club on the evening of February 5, when Mr. Lake talked on the activities of the Associati,on. Bob Witter presided at the meeting.
lj,4. C._ Bowers, Anaheim; Kenneth Smith, Secretary of the Lumber Dealers' Association of Los Angeles ,i, A. Nelson,-Portland, Oregon, manager of the de"partment of gadg! for the West Coast Lumbirmen,s Assoiiation; and Pr_e:idqn1 Harry A. T-ake, were speakers of the evening. 147 Iumbermen attended the meeting.
Mrs. J.E. Fraser
,n", ,n. Western Lumber Co. and the Superior Lumber Co., both of Sacramento, are new Association members. rf,l.*rf*
On Monday February 4, President Harry A. Lake and C. W. Pinkerton attended a meeting of about twenty Pasadena lumbermen. On January 21, they met with the Alhambra lumbermen.
At the meeting of the Northern San Diego County Lumbermen's Club on Monday, January 24, President Harry A. Lake and Walter Spicer, Director, were f;uests of the Club and addressed the meeting. President H. G. Larrick presided at the meeting.
At a lumbermen's meeting held at Glendale on January