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Inrurc Firc-proofnell, Crack. proofneer rnd Permrnencc
Trurcon l.A and 2-A ilctrl LtttFDsDocleuy r€commended for ono-slde plst€rlha on tn- terlors: €&slly b€ut or cut to lom; s&vo llms md m&terlsl. Tru$on Dhnond Lrthts Extrem€ly rldd; osslly bont, cut or fomed to mftt sDeclnc roquhemcDts.
Trutoon (3/8,, tnd 3/4..) Hy-Rtb ilrt l Lrthr (3/8")-tEmlts wldo 8prctng of 8tudg and aL€s chunols &nd wlrlna. AdsDtebl€ to Btucco Md plalter sork on celltnSs, Etr<htoway Irartltlon worh. (3,/4")-more thsn i metrl lath: ls s concrete €nlorceDent lor doors, rmls, tanks, €tc, Ef€cts largo s&vlng ln mat€rlal ud !&bor.
Trulcon Motal Lrtha are dlBtlncily a w€stem product-tabrlcated ln ou! Los Angeles Dhnt frcm row materlals produced on thg prctflc Co88t-s fact whlch merlts ihe conslderailon of contlactors, bullders &nalbuslness men ol thts. t€rrltory, Complet€ descrlptive cata]og maueq on roquegt, TRUSCON STEEL COMPANY
54E0 East Slauson Ave., P. O. Box 1206, Arcade Station, Lc Angeles, Calif.
Mrs. J. E. Fraser, Secretary of the Association, was a qu9.s-t and one of the speakers at the annual banquet of the California Fieldmen's Conference of the Northwestern Mu- tual Fir€ As-sociation and Northrvest Casualty Co. held at theHotel Whitcomb, San Francisco, on thi evenine of February 1. Mrs. Fraser spoke on Association work-and the affiliation of the two orglnizations.
The Santa Monica Lumbermen,s Clubmet at Santa Monica on January 28. A. J. Stoner, Vice president of the Association, presided at the meeting. president Harry A. Lake and tr. Steffenson, Secretary of tte Orange Colnty Lumbermen's Club, addressed thl meeting.
.President l{ltt_y.4 Lake and A. C. Bo*.rs were g.uests of the Imperial Valley_ Lumbermen's Club at their mieting at El Centro on Saturday, January 26.
Elecaic Hand Saw
The saw you take to the lumber instead of the lumber to the saw.
Built in sizes for all classes of work where a port. able hand saw can be used.
Operates from ordinary light oocket. Weight 10 to 26 lbs.
The f0Jb. caw ideal for cutting veoces.
Why not investigate the rm:url placeo you can use a SKILSAW in your businecs?
Syntron motorless electrio hammerrs for con. crete drilling and chipping. For erecting machin. ery and remodeling jobs.