1 minute read
lr.rro* tk J.manJ.is {o, ilPqryM lRgslt
to waterand oil^^^
Victor Hydro-Plastic'Cement is a high early strength cement-waterproof, oilproof, easily workable, and remarkably plastic. It is the reward of years of painstaking tests and experimentt'by Vi.to. engineers to produce a cement of absolute uniformity that will withstand the destructive effects of water and oil.
WaterprooJ OilprooJ Plosticity
High furly Strength
Unusual Bonding
Hundreds of tests and actual construction jobs prove conclusively that it produces the ideal concrete for basement walls, floors, swimming pools, reservoirs, dams, sewers, vaults, tunnels, subways, conduits, tanks, pipes, footings, docks, piers, aqueducts, mines, terminals, roundhouses, garages, and all types of construction where 'permanent resistance to water and oil is essential.
Ask us for complete data relative to Victor HydroPlastic-the modern cement.f or life-time consrruction.
605 H. W. Hellman Bldg. Los Angeles, Calif.