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California Fieldmen Meet
Forty-five Fieldmen and Officers of Northwestern Mutual Fire Association and Northwest Casualty Co. Gather at San Francisco.
A most ambitious program was outlined for the year I9D at the California Fieldmen's Conference of the Northwestern Mutual Fire Association and the Northwest Casualty Co., held at the Hotel Whitcomb, San Francisco, January 31 and February 1.
oftice, presided, and he was follon'ed by T. C. Howay of the Northwest Casualty Co.
"Automobile lJnderwriting" was discussed by S. D. Peterson, superintendent of the Northwest Casualty Co.
A. Y. Baker, assistant to the president, was chairman of the Friday morning session, which was opened by a talk on "Appraisals and Depreciation" by W. C. Webb, vicepresident of the General Appraisal Co., San Francisco.
Fred R. Boynton, claims attorney, talked on "Automobile Claim Adjustments,"
W. F. Snyder, manager of the San Francisco office, presided at the Thursday morning session.
Ed. Rainey, private secretary to Mayor Rolph of San Francisco, welcomed the delegates in the unavoidable absence of the mayor, the response being made by F. J. Martin, Seattle, president of the Northwestern Mutual Fire Association.
J. H. Edwards, vice-president and treasurer of the association, presented the financial statement as of December 3L,1928.
J. J. Beall, assistant secretary, spoke on the subject of "Our Eastern Affiliations."
President F. J. Martin was the next speaker, taking as his subject, "Growth ofOur Organization in 1928."
Coleman Cox was the first speaker at the afternoon session, at which A. C. Baker, manager of the Los Angeles
Michael Orban
Michael Orban, pioneer Southern California lumberman arrd:philanthropist, recently died at his home in Whittier. At one time, he was the owner of the Whittier Lumber Co, Mr. Orban was a brother of the late Peter Orban, who operated the Orban Lumber Co. at Fasadena, and an uncle oi Paul Orban, who now runs the Pasadena yard. He was also a father-in-law of George Melville, who is associated with A. L. Hoover.
A large number of lumbermen attended the funeral services which were held at Whittier.
A. Y. Baker closed the morning session with a "Prospective Progress in California in I9D."
The Friday afternoon session was devoted to a talk on special and a general hazard group meeting.
The banouet was held in the Rool The banquet Roof Garden of the hotel at 7 p.m. This was a very enjoyable afrair, there being an attendance of 7Q including the wives of some of the officers and fieldmen of the association, and a few guests.
Joe Mayers of the San Francisco office acted as toastmaster.
President F. J. Martin in closing a brief and witty speech made a few serious remarks in which he referred to the val' ue of men getting together and becoming better acquainted' He also advised his hearers to cultivate a sense of humor, telling them that a salesman who takes himself too seriously is not likely to be taken seriously by aryone else.-_ -
Mrs. J. E. Fraser, secretary of the California Retail Lumberments Association, assured the gathering that her association will co-operate to the fullest extent with the Northwestern Mutual Fire Association.
Other speakers were J' H. Edwards, treasurer; A, C. Baker, manager of the Los Angeles office; Anderson Sorenson, Fresno, and W. F. SnYder.
Mrs. F. j. Martin received a lot of apqlause for the recitation of a ciever poem describing her trip south from Seattle in a blinding snowstorm.
Mrs. W. F. Snyder was also warmly applauded for her rendering of Kipling's "If'"
A seri-es of s6ngJ rendered byMr. I\{ills completed the entertainment Program.
A. B. Hammond, president of the Hammond Lumber Co., San Francisco, is now in Los Angeles, looking over the company's proPerties.
Earl E. Bowe, manager of the Los Angeles office of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association was a recent visitor in San Francisco, where he spent a few days conferring with officials of the Western Division office'