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Age not guaranteed-ro-""'r'['i#"Iho f.or 2o years-some less

The Inmate's Reaction

A well known preacher volunteered to preach a Sunday morning sermon to the inmates of a big insane asylum in his neighborhood. His offer was accepted, and he talked on the Scripture to several hundred unfortunate inmates.

One of the listeners showed unusual interest throughout the discourse. His eyes were fixed on the speaker at all times, his attention was vividly expressed, and his interest was too keen to be misunderstood. The speaker noticed him particularly throughout the discourse, and he noted also that just at the close of the sernon this, man turned to the asylum superintendent who stood near him and


Cargo shipments of lumber from Portland during 1928 totaled 715,882,000 feet, an increase of. 144,250,561 feet over the l9?.7 total, and said to be the largest amount of lumber ever shipped by water from this port in any year of the port's history.

talked to him earnestly for a moment, evidently on the subject at hand.

When he had opportunity the preacher asked the superintendent what the man had said. "I am naturally greatly interested in discovering the reaction of these unfortunate people to my talk on the Scripture, and that man very evidently said something to you about it. I would very much like to knpw what he said."

"He said," declared the superintendent, reluctantly, " 'This is a Hell of a world; I'm locked up and that guy is running loose."'



Joe Steel, representative of the Moore Dry Kiln Co., North Portland, Ore., was a recent visitor to California, making a survey of prospective dry kiln business in the San Francisco Bay District and Northern California. While in the Bay District he conferred with the company's California representative, I{. D. Parsell.

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