1 minute read
W fiddles / a
'lVhen FIRE begins to fiddle and the fames begin 1s flangs-what then? However careful you may be, you cannot make your plant absolutely immune to fire. You can prevent three outoffour fires by the elimination of fire causes, but the time may come when FIRE will slip in and tune up his fiddle.
Believin-g in prevention first, we cooperate with policyholders to ,eliminate fire risks a_nd prevent loss. But if FIRE dops break throughand takes his toll, our resources and reputation guarantee fair adjustments and prompt payment of losses.Our poli_ cies are designed-by,lumbermen to give the hrghest degree of protection possible to the Iumber rndustrv.
Asft any of our companies about lhe protection provided uniler our policies and our fire prevention serr_ ice, and the saving in insurance cost effecteil by our dividends.