2 minute read
Recovery from the recent severe weather effects upon the lumber movement was indicated in the sawmill reports to the National Lumbet Manufacturers Association for the week ended February 2 which showed production and shipments above the preceding week but a slight decline in otders.
Reports for the week from 11043 mills gave production at lt8r597r000 feet, shipments 18010821000 feet, and orders 184r0871000 feet. Revised figures for the previous week from 1r2O3 mills gave production of 13011151000 feet, shipments 1521545r000 feet, and orders 189/8Q000 feet.
New business reportd ,:t ;.1"."u .nu* February 2 by 538 mills to the West Coast Lumberments Association was 97e6761684 feet against a production of 81,851,831 feet and shipments of 9OrO2lr5O7 f.eet. Orders booked fon the week by this grotrp of mills were over the preceding week by about 18r000rq)0 feet or approximately 22.6 per cent. Shipments were 1O per cent over production and current sales exceeded production by 19.3 per cent.
The Southern Pine Association for the week ended February 2, 146 mills reporting, gave new business at 22rO64rOO0 feet, shipments 2614271000 feet, and production 23rO84rOOO feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 48,530,000 feet. Orders showed an increase of 9 per cent, shipments 4, per cent, and production 2O per cealt over the previous week. Total stocks on hand February 2, at 144 repocing mills, "ggregated 445r949rOOO feet, or 97 pet cent of normal and 5 per-cent above this time last year.
H. F. Vincent, San Francisco, general manager of the E. K. Wood Lumber Co., has returned from a short business trip to the company's Los Angeles office.
Piirchase New Lumber Yard Site
Glick Bros. Lumber Co., 6910 South Alameda Street. Huntington Park, has purchased six acres of land on South Alameda Street, between Eighty-fourth and Eighty-fifth, to which site they will move as soon as the necessary buildings are constructed. Oscar Glick is president of the company, and Max Glick, general manager.
The Vestern Pine Association for the same weilc, 123 mills reporting, gave orders at 4418391000 feet, shipments 4614/1161000 feet, and production 19r130r0fi) feet. Orders werc 25r7$9r0/i0 feet over production ot w4 per cent. Shipmetrts wete27r276rOfi) feet over production or 142.5 per cent, and orders 11567r000 feet below shipments or 3.3 per cent. Ordets on, hand at the end of the week for this group of mills totaled 1781746r.000 feet.
The California Redwood Association for the week, 15 millg reporting, gave production at 5,4t9rOOO feet, shipments 8286rO0O feet, and new business 91164000 feet. Ordets on hand at the end of the week totaled 29r953,oOO f.ea. 15 identical mills reported production 12 per cent less and new business 128 pe cent more than for the same week last yean
2O2 hardwood mills reporting for the week ended Februari, 2 gave new business as 910491000 feet or 19 pet cent above production, and shipments 815421000 feet or 12 per ceflt above production. Production was 7r6(X),000 feet.
Unsold stocks on the public docks at Los Angeles harbor on February 4 totaled 61422rOOO f.eet. Lumbet cargo arrivalg at Los Angeles harbor for the week ended February 4 to/reled, 7r248,O0O feet which included 11 cargoes of Fir canying 6,782rOOO feet, and one Redwood cargo of 466r0fl) feet.- 58 vessels were operating in the coastwise lumber service on Febnrary 4i 42 vessels were laid up.
Fred Palmer Returns Eroi4 East
Fred S. Palmer, manager of the Pine department of the Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Fran'cisco, was back at his desk February 6 from a three weeks'business trip to New York, Chicago and points in Iowa and Wisconsin.
Plane Carries Building Materials
An airplane was recently used in Hawaii to transport a truckload of building materials to the top of a mountaiu. Shipping the material by airplane made a saving of several days' time.