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L. N. Ericksen \(/ill Promote Can Now Deliver \(/olman
\(/estern Pine in the East Treated Underpinning
Portland, Oregon, January 15th-L' N' Eri'cksen, who has been a member of the staff of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association for the last seven years, has resigned, effective today, to become eastern trade promotion relresentative for the Western Pine Association of Portland, Oregon
Graduated from the University of Minnesota in I92l' Mr. Ericksen entered the employ of the United States Forest Service and was stationed at the Forest Products Laboratory at Madison, Wis., until July l, 1926' Then, ot u y.".;, leave of absence, he did special work for the Western Electri'c Company in 'connection w'ith the use of wood in their operation' On October I,t927, he joined the stafi of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association' During the last four or five years he has worked in close technical cooperation with the Government departments and agencies and has helped government purchasing agents to write lumber specifications suited to the industry desigried to insure that the various departments shall get the kinds and grades of lumber most suitable to their needs.
After a month's trip to the Western Pine producing region, Mr. Eri'cksen will make his headquarters in Washington, D. C. His temporary address will be 1818 37th Street, N. W.
Announcement is made in this issue by Chas' R' McCormi,ck Lumber Company that they are now prepared to furnish underpinning treated with either Wolman Salts or creosote
W. B. Wickersham, district sales manager at Los Angeles, states that while the Wolman Salts treatment is new on the Pacific Coast, it has been used for many years in the Middle West and East, and also that it has been approved by the Board of Building and Safety, Los Angeles' "Lumber dealers can now get either Wolman Salts or creosote treated underpinning, whichever their trade calls for, and we can give them immediate delivery from our stocks at Wilmington," Mr. Wickersham said'
Hollywood Exhibit Opens Feb. 16
The Hollywood Better Housing Exposition rvill open February 16 instead of February 9 as originally scheduled' The exposition is sponsored by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce and has the endorsement of the Federal llousing Administration. The exhibit will be educational and will feature the comparison between good and inferior construction. materials and craftsmanship. Requests of exhibitors for more time to install their material is the reason for the postponement of the opening.