2 minute read
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M. ADAMS Circutction Mcncger
Sub:cription Price, $2.00
I. 318-19-?8 lncorporat.d under lbo lcwa oI Cqlilonic C. Dioue, Prea. cad Treca,; I. E. Mcrtia, Vice-Prea.; W. T. Blcc}, Sccreicry Publishcd the lst cDd lSth ol ecch EoDtb at Celtral Building, 108 Wcst Sixth Stroot, Loa AaEeles, Ccl., Telephone VAadike 4565 Ealered cs Secoad-clcgr actter Septenbet ?5, ll2i],, at tho Post OlEca ct Lor Angctce, Cclilornia, uader f,ct ol Mcrch 3, 1879
During the week ended to the National Lumber duced 180,005,000 feet of bined; shipped n2,6f5,m 321,000 feet.
How Lumber Looks
Jantrary 28, 539 mills reporting Manufacturers Association, prosoftwoods and hardrvoods comfeet: and booked orders of 19.-
Lumber orders reported for the \\'eek by 451 softwood mills totaled 189,206,000 feet; shipments rvere 191,843,000 feet; and production was I7O,3|7,0OO feet.
Reports from 1OZ hardrvood mills for the u'eek g'ave ne\\' business as 10,115,000 feet; shipments 10,842,00O feet; and production 9,688,00O feet.
A total of I43 down and operating mills in Washingt,on and Oregon, which reported to the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, for the rveek ended January 28, 1>roduced 89,822,1n feet; shipped 87,122,265 feet; and ne\^,' business was 86,664,369 feet. The unfilled order file at these mills stood at 3?7,3X),323 feet.
The same number of mills reporting for the .iveek enclecl February 4, produced 84,158,133 feet; shipments were 97,349,353 feet; and neu' business was 96,1fr978 feet. The trnfilled order file at tl-re end of the n,eek totalecl 324.gffi.967 feet.
Conference Called On Labor Dispute
Sacramento, February l3-Governor Olson today called upon members of the A.F. of L. and C.i.O. unions now opposing each other for control of the labor forces at The Red River Lumber Company's rnill at Westn'ood, Calif., to meet with him in his office here Wednesday. Februarv 15, to discuss a peaceful settlement.
The \\'estern Pine Association for the rveek ended February 4, 115 mills reporting, gave orders as 56,184,00O feet; shipments 59,184,000 feet; and production 37,153,00O feet. Orders shorved an increase of 5.4 per cent over the previotts week. Orders on hand at the end of the rveek totaled 183,889,000 feet.
The California Redrvood Association reported production of 13 mills for the rveek ended lanuary 28 at 6,879.000 feet ; new business 7,gg3,WO feel; and- shipmenis 6,041,000 feet. Week-end orders on hand rvere 36,897,000 feet. Production was 28 per cent greater and new business 3 per cent g'reater than for the sarne rveek last year.
The Southern Pine Association for the lveek ended February 4, 132 mills reporting, gar.e orders as 32,481,00O feet; shipments D,937fidi:_ feet; and prodttction 30,211,000 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the rveek totaled 77,836,W feet.
Lttrnber cargo lnonth of January receipts at Los Angeles Flarbor for the totalecl 56,583,@0 ieet.
The technicolorecl film of "Nevills' Expedition Dorvn the Colorado" rvill be shorvn at tl.re dinner meeting of the East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club, Monday evening, February 2O, at the Hotel Leamington. The film covers the entire trip, some 680 miles down the Colorado River. The picture u'ill be shorvn by \V. C. Gibson, expedition photographer.