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How Lumber Looks
The last weekly report of The West Coast Lumberments Arsociation as we go to press, shows that the mills of that organization for that week cut 55 million, shipped 79 million, and sold 1O5 million. This was tte week of the rnow and blizzard that covered Washington and Oregon, and accounts for the low production. It means that the order file increased srcatly for that week.
For that sarne weeh The Souttern Pine Association re' ported production 69 million, shipments 75 million, and sdeE 87 mlllion.
Henry Riddiford of Los .A,ngeles, shipments into Southcrn California up to and including February 26th was 126 cargoes, of which were Fir and contained 113'865'000 feet, and 31 were Redwood and contained 19'52O'(X)O feet, a total of 133,385'000 feet for 26 dayr. Thir is tremendous, ild keeps up the wonderful clip set in January.
Last February the figures for the entire montt were 11Or245r0OO, which was considered wonderful at that time.
For two straight monthr now, sales have far exceeded production throughout the entire softwood industry of America.
Lumber pontinues to pour into California. Mills that do not as a rule ship to Catifornia, have turned lumber this way because thil is always the best market for those who can reach it. And boats of all kinds, induced by the increased freight rater (which ane now generally $8 from the nortfi to California and in some cases reported more) are hauling lumber thir way. For this reason the California market is probaby not as riotous as in the rest of the country. The California market is strong, very strong, but is being held in bormds by the dtuation above mentioned.
Red Cedar Shingles have shown no definite change in the past two weeks. Lath is holding its own.
California shipping figurec continue huge. According to
Send In Your News Items
The Cplifornia Lumber Merchant will be delighted to receive and publish news items from its readers: retail, wholesale, mill, personalanything of interest to the lumbermen-ahd ladies-of California. Send them along. Th.y will be welcome.
1. TIMBER (tog suppfl
2. Manufacturing Capacity
Thir qu.ertion ir a vital one to Southern California Retail Lumbermen at thc pretent timc when their volume it, to a large extent, dependent upon their 'keeping at all timer well balanced rtocka. The Nettleton Lumber Cornpany ir in a particularly advaltagcou: poaiton with rcspect to all of there factorr and ofrcrr, in efrect, an INSURANCE POLICY to all yardr for their protcction.
A Sliver or a Cargo
Ettl Eto
Southern Sales Of6ce: Millr 729 Bank of ltaly Blds. Puget Soun{ Lor AngelJr