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S PEED Gets 'Em!

S PEED Gets 'Em!

This space is at your service for want and for sale advertising. Advertisements fo, h"lp, for employment'or for sale can be run in reading form' The rate on this advertising will be $2.50 per colurnn inch'

Accountant Wanted

Wan't young man with thoroug-h knowledge of accounting to tat<e tultt charge of our office. l\4ust.-be quick and a'ciurate at figures, attd ha'tte had actual retail lum'ber yard experience. Good opportunity for some bright, live,- and u-bitio.rt young min to woik into responsib'le position' Salary in propoition to capacity, prefer to pay for. high class'man. ' Give full particu'lars as to 'previous experien-ce, references, and address in own handwriting' Postoffibe Box 672, Santa Barbara, Cal.

Hiscox And Long Take Over Contract For Large Tracts Of Mexican Timber

R. A. Hiscox, president of the Western States Lumber Co*p"rrv of San Francisco, and L. L. Long, president of tn. Fr"tit P. Doe Lumber Company of San Francisco, have ."""""."a that they have obtained the stumpage rights for "Uo"t "". bi'llion feet of White Pine timber located in the slate of Durango, Mexico. The timber lies in two contiguous tracts; one tract is known as "Coscantate," c'ontaining about thiriy thousand acres and has a stand of -appro.xirnatelv 300' rnillion feet of high grade timber; the other tract'is known as "Cuidad," which contains about sixty tnout"na acres and supports a stand of about 70O million i;;t;f timber, of even i"tt.t quality than the "Coscamate'"

Itt. Hiscox'and Mr. Long, aicompanied'by W' P' O'Con,ro., "r, expert White PinJmill man and grader.of Stocktorr, ....'rily made a personal cruise of these ti'rber tracts ancl were iety *uch impressed with its character and onrtitn. The timber is of good size' from 12 in' to 36 in' in ai"io"t.t, averaging easily five 16 in. logs.to the tree and the trees are ta[, Jtraig]rt, and of good rnerchantable lengths. The topography of the tracts are flat and gently rollTng table landi, indas a logging proposition, these tracts cannot be excelled.

From observations made at several of the small circular saw mills now operating at close proximity- to these .tracts, it *". found thit the lumber'manufactured from this timber was as good on the average' and.some of it was better than Califoinia White Pine. There is a good demand for Box Shook in Mexico, and owirrg to the limited supply, large quanities which pay Mexico import duty of $4'50 per


Mr. Proprietor: thousand board feet, are shipped into Mexico from the United States. Theie is sufficlent Mexican demand to ab*.U "if the Shqok that could be manufactured' The Common and Upper grades, in addition- to supplying the loca'l demands, *iti b"--".keted in the United States, excepting ioi *t ". amounts it might be deemed advisa'ble to divert to foreign markets.

I understand you are desirous of interviewing-a first c,lass, retail yard 'manager. One who is married, 35 years "f "g., thorlughly exp-erienced and up to the minute in meth-ods and eipetting'to make a change of locati'on' Add.ress me at once as H. H. J. in care of the California Lumber Merchant.

The Eonditions of the contract entered into calls for an operating plant capable of sawing thirty million {eet per "irnrr-. -Th" pt.."nt plans cal'l fbr the construction of a mill cutting from 50 to75 M board feet per ten hour shift; after the fiist iew months of operating, a night shift would be put into effect, which would easily 'give the required oroiuction. \Veather and climatic conditions are such that ihe mill could be operated twelve months durin-g-the year'

A branch line of the National Railways of Mexico, on whiih this timber is situated, runs from the main line at Torreon in the State of Coahiula, westward through Durango. and thence west to rvithin ten 'miles of the "Coscofirate." From this point a line is surveyed to the Paqfic Ocean, a distance of a hunclred miles to Mazatlan, the Pacific Coast Terminus. With the comp'leti'on of a railroad to the Pacific, this port could be used for shipments 9f B9* Shook and Lumbei it to Satt Diego and San Pedro, for the Southern California market, and will a'lso act as an outlet for parcel and cargo shipments of-'lumber to Australia, Wesi Coast of South Ameiica, as well as the Atlantic Seaboard of both North and South America.

Arrangements are well under way for the financing of this lar,g"e project and there is no doubt but at an early date construition work wi,ll be started for the marketing of these large 'bodies of timber. Mr. L' L. Long has returned to M&ico again and will complete the arrangements for the taking over of these ti'm'ber tracts.

Douglas Fir

Northern White Pine

Idaho White Pine

Western Soft Pine White Fir

Pacific Coast Hemloch

Washington Red Cedar Red Fir and Larch

Noruay Pine

Cedar Poles and Piling

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