3 minute read
Happenings in Hoo-Hoo Land
Doings and SaYin$s of Tom
l/ About fifty cats and prospective kittens assem'bled at the Y Elks Hall in Anaheim iast'Friday evenin'g, for their first meeting since Orange County was established as a separate jurisdiction.
Snark W. R. Whitson presided, with the aid of Scrivenotor W. G. I-arrick, who introduced a novelty. Mr. Larrick made a short talk on Hoo-Hoo and emphasized that this new district should always observe the Hoo-Hoo rule in regard to the bringing of booze to a meeting. He then searched ieveral of the men and found five bottles. The first was half full of what looked like gin but when the owner was asked, it was learned that he had named it "Suspicion," the next was cal'led "Junk Grades," the next "Cut Prices," and the matter began to clear up when the fourth bottle was named "Co-operation." The last bottle was found in the hip pocket of one of the Los Angeles guests,--Ed. Tennant.-and he announced that he called it "Good-fellowship." t
Mr. Tennant talked on the benefits of Hoo-Hoo, and Jack Dionne was called on for some of his "Nigger Yarns." Mr. A. E. Fick'ling of Long! Beach made a short talk on "Cooperation," and spun some good yarns.
Mr. Larrick then outlined what this new district intended doing with Hoo-Hoo and announced that they would- follow "the lead of San Diego and San Francisco by making Orange County 100 per cent. He secured several re-instateients and about-a dozen new applications. They expect to have a concat in April and.will ask the San Diego Nine to come and show them how it is done.
Phil B. Hart r,','as introduced as the new ml11gng editor Oi iHB CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT' hC MAdC a short talk on his experiences in Hoo-Hoo' Barrett Hanawalt of the Hanawa'lt Spaulding Cor-npany told of the success that they u'ere having with their Cabot Stained Shingles, and poinbed orlt the many advantages for the dealer to stock and push this product.
The following have been se,lected as the Nine for the district: Snark, W. D. Whitson; Scrivenoter, H. G. Larrick; Jabberwock, L. L. Isabel; Bojum, H.--M. Adams; Senioi Hoo-Hoo, S. H. Tingley; Junior Hoo-Hoo, E' Bowers; Arcanoper, J. R. Collins;Guerdon, R' A. Emison; Custocation, H. A. Lake.
On February 15th The Los Angeles HooHoo Club Thursday luniheon turned into a surprise birthday Plly'
Jim Chase was nam'ed by Snark Curtis Williams as Chairmin, and he got the gang out by arousing their- curiosity with a live poltal card, telling them there woufld be some fun. The atiendance was as big as the club has ever known'
A big birthday cake, covered with-black cats-was b-rought in, andit was tiren announced by Chairman Chase that the party was a birthday afiair foi Phil Hart. Hart had to maki a speech. The; Ed Houghton went to the piano and sang a song he had especially written for the occasion, and r"tt[ it will.. ;act Dionne totrd some- birthday stories' Daie Woodhead tdld of how he beat the world's record getting out of Tiajuana after witnessing a killing down ihere."He ran his car wide open, but expressed the opinion that had he been on foot he-could have made better time. so scared was he. Junius Browne of The Pacific Lumber Company, who was visiting in L. -A. made a nice little talk on how ihe prospetity of California enthused him on every visit.
The following is the song written and sung by Ed' Houghton, the time being "Yoo-Hoo":
I-ras week Jim Chase saYs Hoo-Hoo
Plans upon a big to-do
And I'11 have to tell to You
What it's all about
Many years ago todaY
Phil Hart came on earth to staJ' We meet ! Oh, just to treat Your birthday once again.
Phil Hart! Phil Hart! You're but thirty-one
The cake Jim baked cost him lots of mon.
Your Ma !- Your pa ! Your whole family ! They scold you ! TheY told Y-ou !
To stick away from all Hoo-Hoo.
You dance ! You Prance ! But not like you dicl. At Pasadena My ! You were some kid.
Once you were gentle and meek.
Now vou're as lrild as a sheik.
Werll-eat your treat. Phil-eeP!