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A Pledge To You

is stenciled on the baclc of every piece of MAPLE, BEECH, BIRCH and OAK H^A,RDWOOD FLOORING

It is the trademark "EVERLASTlNG" put there as a guarantee of CAREFUL MANUFACTURE and SCIENTIFIC KILN DRYING bV the manufacturers.



"The Hotne of Shilled Woodworhers', Jerome C. Grlppec, Callfornltr R,eprclentatlve

881 Securlty Btdg:., Lor ArgeleB doesn't cost more than 10 per cent as much to stain shingles in this Cabot rnachine as ii d,oes to stain them with a brush by hand after they are laid on the roof.

Business is good enough so that Mr. Hanawalt has already ordered a second m,achine just like the first to double the staining capacity of their -Los Angeles plant.

John Austtn Russ Dead

John Austin Russ, of San Die,go, one o.f the pioneer Iumbermen of Califo'rnia, died at his home in San Diego on February lZth. A native of Maine, he came to the coait and lived at Tacoma, Wash., when that city was being started. He started in the lumber business at Taooma and conducted a business that rea,ched all over Pacific waters. Later he moved to San Francisco in the same business, and in 1884 moved to Los Angeles and started lumber yards in L. A. and in San Diego. Ife was 86 years old whin he died.


W. V. Struby, of San Francisco, is spending several days at {Santa Barbara, where he joined Mrs. Stiuby who has been the guest of her father and ,mother. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Stout of Chicago. Mr. Stout is jnterested jn the lum,ber buslness throughout the middle west and is also,a director of the California and Oregon Lumber Company. Mr. Struby is connected with fhe sales department of the San Francisco oflrce of the California and dregon Lumber Co.

Retail Yards


AII Dry Stock

Flnish-Pattenr Stock-Shop Plenk

Douglas Fir

eveqy item \ vard *oct

Red Gedar Shingles

Our own '.Univerity" Branrd

The use of MENEFEE Stock guarantees satirfaction LB.


Portland, Oregon

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