6 minute read
Now is the time to place your orders for 8 foot Douglas Fir CAR STRIPS. We have a few cars left.
Ask us about our 4/4 Yellow Fir Kiln Dried SHOP. Price and quality considered, it is a dandy money-maker for you.
"What are we going to do about it? Whether we believe in the theory of advertising or not we shall be compelled to use it or some other method of intensive sales piomo- tion else the consum.er's money will be spent foi other things and trickle out before it reaihes us. [n other words. the retail ,lu,mber business must fall in line with modernizing processes to compete with other lines of business.
"This new order is going to make better merchants. Ere long the average of us will be the equal of the most progressiv'e of today. I think I see in the future the lumber store r,vith all its factors for service. f see trained employees who are experts in the various branihes of building and decorating. , I see a new p.lace for wom,en of advanced ideas of planning, of finishing and furnishing a home. A few women have taken up this line of work and are meeting with unqualified success'. i'I confeJs that peisonally I have .been somewhat slow to appreciate the lpportunit-ies - beckoning to those who ;";id' render th. b;;p.; kind of building service' Or rather, I may say ttrat I have been reluctant to take up the ,rew ordir because 'of the responsibility involved. and the work entailed by establishing the best type ot burtdrng service. Yet, I am convinced the greatest success wrtt coine to those of us who are willing and equipped to rende r the most helpful type of service, and to whtch servlce tne consumer is reallY entitled."
Unstintingly, Time, Brains, Millions, have been Epent to develop the heritage of worth, quality and standardization found in Pioneer Products.
An ever growing patronage of satis6ed customerg has justified the steadfast faith of the men who believed in and have wrought the Super Quality merchandise of the Pioneer Paper Company.
-"d"t nuttell, oi San Francisco, read telegrams of good cheer to the meeting from Peter B' Kyne, W' E' I-andram' and Jack Dionne.
Hi was also appointed a committee of one to draw up .".ot,rtior,, of condolence regarding the death of Shad itiit", Managing Editor of flre California Lumber Merchant, which he did.
Secretary A. L. Porter's -report showed that the Associti,on is in grand shape, and gbing forward fast'
One of thi Ieatures of the first day was:
"A Practical Demonstration" of S"""" A. Pip's Office-"Jhg Wrong Way to Handle a Customer." - S.""" g. Pep's Officg-"Jhs Right Way to Handle a Customer." - gt t"-.t L' Logsdon, Manager, Boise Payette Lumber Cotip"nv. Kuna, I"daho' and George C' Power, Manager' B;i;;F;y"tte Lumber Co*p"tty, \1Tn", lclah<-r, under fhe direction-of C. W. Gamble, General Manager' Stage and Scenery by Davenport Hotel' Th"-ttu-.t Pip arid Pep by oourtesy of Gu'lf Coast Lumberman.
Tom Shields, of Seattle, and Lloyd Spencer' of Seattle, entertained the convention at different times with cleverly told stories an<l impersonations. Shields is a saw man, and Spencer is a newspaPer man'
I. S. tVitt;ams, talk on 7'Capitalizing on Color to Increase Sies" was one of the brightest talks of the meeting' It was really a crackerjack selling talk that went over strong' Mr. Williams is head of the Williams Stained Shingle Co', of Vancouver, Wash.
The following were some of the high lights of the convention program:
Address-lMr. J. H. Bloedel, President Bloedel-D'onovan Mills, Seattle.
Sales lfa'lk-"A 1\Iodel Chicken Coop," Mt' J' P' McEvov. Kirkland, Wash.
"Experiences in the Operation of a Department for Application of Roll Roofing, Built-up Roofing also Depart-
P;UL BUNYAN LATH, rheathing and lath combined in one'piece. A p"r' fect bond for stucco. A solid iob of rheathing. One lesc item of material to buy. Reducec cct.
ment for Laying and Finishing Hartrwo-od Flooring as Pari of Retail YirdlService," Mr. W. F. Connor, Wenatchee' Wash."'iDo"s a Retail Office Designed to Represent a Small Modern Home Help in Putting Oqer Sa'les ?" Mr' Jack Young, Wenatchee, Wash.
"Is"a Reliable Plan Service Necessary in Operation of Retail Building Material Business," Mr. E. E' LeValley' Cashmere, Wash.
."lVood-Wholesale and Retail" and "'feams vs. Trucks," Mr. Dick Riggs, Bel'lingham, Wash.
add1s55-"tfhe Value r:f Frienclship," Major E. G. Griggs
President, St. Paul & Tacoma Lrtmber Company, Tacoma'
Add1s55-"The Other Fellow," Mr. Frank H. Beckmann, Vice president, National Builders Bureau, Spokane. -
"When and How to Get the Money"-Mr. Frank Kendall of the Potlatch Lum'ber Company, Spokane, Mr. Howard Crawford of the Tum-A-Lum Lumber Company, Walla Walla, Wash.
"Expert Knowledge of Constructi'on a Necessity- ".t-d Business Getter. How and Where to Secur'e That Knowledge"*Mr. 'J. A. McDonald, International Correspondence Schools.
Some Real Retail Problems-An open Forum led by H. A. Templeton, President lMonarch Lumber Company, Great Falls, Montana.
One Hour's Discussion of Our Problems-Leader, Mr. I. G. Kjosness, Manager, Madison Lumber and Mill Company, Lewiston, Idaho.
"service From a Buyer's Standpoint," Mr. Paul Schedler, President, Shedler Investment Co., Home Selling Specialists, Spokane.
A song or two by the entire assembly, led by Mr. H. L. Masterson. "O'ld Saws," T. M. Shields, Simonds Saw and Steel Company.
, Address--"C)rganization and Education of Our En:ployees," Mr. A. Schumacher, President Home Lu.mber Company. Spokane.
Beautiful Moving Picture entitled, "A Trip Through California," courtesy the Paraffine Companies, Inc.
A trip to the saw mill plant of the McGoldrick Lunlber Company, for a demonstration, discussion and observation of various grades and types of Inland Empire lumber.
President, O. A. Spear, Smoot Lumber Co., Provo, UtahVice-President, Howard Crawford, Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co., Walla Walla, Wash.
Directors: W. C. Miller, Columbia Valley Lumber Co.. Seattle, Wash.; C. J. Baldwin, Baldwin Lumber Co., Bridger, Mont.; W. C. Culbertson, Rio Grarrde Lumber Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. Next Meeting Place Los Angeles was selected as the meeting place for the 1924 conveition.
and sucAR PlllEs
Buitding lumber and Finish. Factory Lumber. Pattern Stock. Wi& clears and uppers for drainboande end *elvrng. Siding and Moldingc, [.ath and Shook.
-One of the-greatest gatherings of notables in the history of Hoo-Hoo is certain to be had in Tacoma, Wash.. earlv il March, when Major E. G. Griggs, past Snark of th-e IJniverse and now High Priest of -Osiris, wi,ll stage an Osirian Cloister meeting and initiation.
At the same time. Vicegerent Snark Geo. J. Os,good is making plans for a rec.ord breaking concatenation *in Ta!9n1 In reporting these plans to National Headquarters Mr. Osgood says he is ,making every effort to round up the largest class ever taken into the Order. Kansas City hoids the record but men of his deter;mination will bear wa,tchlng.
-8b"" L. Shaw, one of the _r'alued and popular sm,p,loyees of Charles R. IVIcCormick & Co. of San Francisco. surpiiserl his friends last week by failing to put in his app.arnn.e at the office. On further investigation by some bi h;. coworkers, it was discovered that lie was married on Washington's Birthday to Miss A,lice M. Marshall of San Francisco. Mr. Shaw has a large number of friends among the lumber fraternity of San Francisco Bay and his mariiage was a complete surprise to them a,ll. He has been coir_ nected with the lum,ber department of Charles R. McCor_ mick & Co. for several years. N{r. Shaw is a graduate of Stand-ard University; a veteran of the Worlcl W*-ar; a mem_ ber of the American Legion; a member of the San Fran_ cisco P-ress Club; and his always taken an active part in civic affairs of San Francisco. At last reports, they were honeymoonins at De.l Monte and other Southern Caiifornia points.
The Angeles Lumber Company is the name o{ the newest wholesale lumber yard in Los Angeles. It is a n.* y"J and a new company, headed by Mr. E. C. Blake, who'was tormerly manager for The American Trade Companv in Los Angeles. Mr. BIake is president and General Manaeer. and W. M. Wilson is Vice President and Secretarv. ifr" new yard is 'located on East Fifteenth Street in the whole_ sale lumber district.- -The buildings are now being com_ pleted and they will be large and commodiou., .3rre.irg !wo.ac199 of ground, and the stocks are being "..ur,l.i lated. The business wi,ll, be principally hardwJod, ancl a complete line of Southern and Noithern hardwoods will be in stock at all times. western softwoods wilr be tto.k.,i also.
^ R. F. Pattison, of the California and Oregon Lumber Co. of San Francisco, advises that his father'""a -oi-fr"., Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Pattison of portland, Orejon, h;i; arrived in San Francisco and plan on making tf-,.i? fro-" in the future in California. Mr.-G. W. pattis& is one .f tt; older lumbermen of the Northwest and has held
,._ sponsible_ mill positions in the north. IIe was the firsi su_ perintendent of the p"{f & Stoddard Lumber C"-p"* (now Do_{y I umber & Shingle Co.) plant at Dody, flirrf;_ ington. He has now retiredlro.,t'he lumber business.
Smith At Paso Robles Congress
-__C. Stowell_Smith, Secretary-Manag.er of the California White and. Sugar, pine Assotiation,"was the association representative at the california Industrial c""""niron r,"rJ at Paso Robles on February 23 and, 24. Ur. S-ilf, i"l turned to his San Francisco headquarters the ratter pait-oi the month.