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Western Retailers Hold Rousin$ Meeting-Will Open L. A. Office
The elements seemed to be in combination to prevent The Western Retail Lumbermens' Association from staging the wonderful program they- had-planned for their mEeting at Spokane, -Fe6rtrary 14th to l7th, inclusive' fh. ttro high lights of the meeting, so far as California is concerned are these:
But *the tilent of the officers rose supreme ovei the obstacle of the terrific blizzatd that not only made cross country driving imp'ossible but also stopped-the trains running into Spokine,-and at the last 'tnoment t-hey improvise.d parts of their program to replace pdople rvho were unable io get there, and w'hen the smoke had c'leared away it was fouid that in spite of all the many troubles that had threatened the program, they had pulled off one of the most enthusiastlc ind interesting meetings in their history.
First, the convention rvill meet next February in Los Angeles. (Porter writes that already several numbers are fixed for the program).
Second, Tht Western Retail Lumbermens' Association wi,ll open a branch office in Los Angeles at once, to serve Califoinia, and Arizona. This has been in prospect for some time, brought about largely by the trenlendous growth o{ Southern Ca'lifornia, and the. opportunity ior association activities in this section.
The California delegation, uametl in our last issue, were very strongly in evidence at the convention. They were "the life of the party" as it rvere.
There was entertainment galore, every day. of the-meetirrg. That wonderful Davenport Hotel provided- sale rei,,,s'. fro* the weather for al'l the dele'gates, and there were +50 oi them, in spite of the terrific storm'
They had a gieat Hoo-Hoo Concatenation Thursday c ve'ning. 'ffr.i had dances, theatre parties, etc', but mostly dances.' Th.re'*as an orchestra on the job most of the time, and the folks tripped the light fantastic to their hearts content, ancl let the wind blow outside.
Tire regular reports were read at the first 'meetingl Welttu"tauy *?tning.' President lgrger made a very optimistic r.pori, and said, in Part, as follows: l'It .."rrr, to me f would be unappreciative, indeed, did I ";i f..l proud of the honor of app-elring before this audience as President of the Western Retail Lumber'mens' Association. I do appreciate that honor and shall be doubly gratified if I may bring some thought to your m'inds that ir"y ptou" helpfu'l during the coming ye-ar'
'iRather than to revieiv the record of the past, brilliant though the achievements of the association have been, I tr"tiui. our best interests will be served by looking to the futttre. Accordingly, I shall refrain from co'mmenting on the past except to-occasionally mention it in order to more cleailv bring out my suggestions for the future'
"To serve its proper purpose' an association must think in aclvance o{ the tirnes. The ideas which this organization advanced years ago, and which, perhaps, were thought
Is A Paying Investment
Due to the small amount of lumber required for door atld *inao*-."tings, baseboard, mouldings. mantel, etc'' the .qost of genuine hardwood finish is very little over that ot yrne or Redwood.
For $50 to $200 extra per room- your client can have his ";i."
-;;;Adork in genuine Mahbganv' Plain Oat, Koa' O"iri..ia Oak or Sou-thern Gum. This will put- his home ii a much higher class for occupying as well as for renting or selling, even after years of wear.
Homebuilders will welcome the suggestion of an Oak rt"i*rt", mantel and book cases of- Mahogany or built-in buffet of Koa, with the balance of the room in the corresponding wood.
We will supply your hardwood promptly and to vour advantage.