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Weyerhaeusef*,.$,*m Gompany

Weyerhaeuser Forest Products

General Offices, OId National Bank Building


BRANCH OFFICES chicago, Illinois 1052 cont. & com-'l Nat'l Bank Bldg. St. Paul, Minnesota . .302 Merchanr's Nat'l Bank Bldf.

..Room lg0g, 220 Broadway Baltimore, Md. . 9l2 Lexington Bldg.

New York, N. Y.

Minneapolis, Minnesota .... /40 Lurnber Exchange

Denver, Colorado . . 106 Chamber of Coirmerce

Selling Representatives for Cloquet Lumber Co. ... Cloquet, Minn.

Johnson-Wentworth Co. ... Cloquet, Minn.

Northern Lumber Co. ..-. Cloquet, Minn.

Snoqualmie Falls Lumber Co. ..Snoqualmie Falls, Wash.

Boise Payette Lumber Co. ..... Boise, Idaho

Bonners Ferry Lumber Co. Bonners Ferry, Idaho

L{umbird Lumber Co. ... ....Sandpoint, Idaho Potlach Lumber Co. ......:... potlactL, id;h; Edward Rutledge Timber Co. ........Co.", aet""", ta"to weyerhaeuser 'I'imber Co._... Everett, Wash. Victoria Lumber & Mfg. Co., Ltd.......Cn".""inus, B. C. Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. ('Baltim.re gllti gatfimore.


District Sales Managers

R. W. Hunt Everett, Washington l. e_1if lO Weyerhaeuser .. .. .... Coeur d,Alene, Idaho

R. E. Erwin Boise,.!d1ho e. p, ry._t"gt;;.:.......... Sand point, Idaho

S. P. Johns, Jr. ... Snoqualmie Falls,'wash. rj. -l,l. p"r-;t-.:.::.:.....

P, M. Lachmund potlach, Idaho C. l.-Urf.".".y'..:................ Baltimore. Marvland

.i'^...-Tt.hDartlmore'I- District Traveling Representatives

Bonners Ferry, Idaho r.i.J., r{.-'c,-6i"t,i"t Manager, r0sz cont. & com,r Nar,r Bk., il::f*d;.{;r.l;"1#t*1?;,i:t-:[F,'t,*];r!il;;;.:'.o,*"", u,. cr't', n--v.,-iiistrict Meager, 8r2 Merchants Nat'r Bk.,st. paur,^Minn ilJ*ht,,3:'.l1ti*3r3';"t t;$l"I;til1"t"i"5"t"Id";'":f'Af,':"1[-,,r' b'"b'i*{; fl ''.1"ffii,.",_sb-,:r'.Stt*at:,"*lu+:;::;;;;"c;il:'" ir}tf*ri';"j;*:ill"l#j.i*jjbrril",-.qg ' Lnlca' {!ili'rl;{; axq,iH?,ff*"t f#\?i"!"?giocr'i".*, r'. ffiiiiji:u.rl_nrr"i'# ff':{H"-i"li'Jfiil$k,". s-hurtlcff, -E. N., r3:t !ti'alnut.St., g"t"i"t"._g, 1i;". x""r.lEa*ara L.. ,ll.r"iJh", iiii"i.""t".

Lawrence, Don. District Manager, 1024 Old Nafl Bank Bldg., - qro""it, .H_M,. 116 Trowbridge Av_enue, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Spokane, Wash.

Chicago, Ill.

Grace, H. H., ,B Lexinston -ltve:, q"irrtriqc"- iiti, -it4""". M;c;i;e, W. D., Box {12, Kenosha, W.icconsin. willimson Nicholas- oalts--H.ot9l, sott""n"l,+'r1""". williams, E 4. p. o. Box 26?, Eau claire, wigconsir.

Goodrich, H. P..40E west rt-sth-sir..i, lGi"-%til,-ir. v. arcrribara, r. s.i !zoa^bg-*ip?ii .nr.rr", Davenport, Iowa.

McKenney, H. O., New york, N. *.,-rCos,"zb-ii;:;l;;i. $;;i",r, 4. L., p. o. Box Gr, Waterto, rowa. Gifford, E. O.. New Harrford, N. y. n".Iiu",-ii.[.,-i"_. b. il"??2,*'lral]shautown, Iowa. ldmbold, J. H.. Christiata Siree!, N. Tonawanda, N. Y. Hedlund, O. _L. P: O. Box el4, Sioux City, Iowa Millener, s. P., 5s Grove Street, t'";-;!J;;'Ii:-Y..'' w,uiansm, ui" w.,'si--Loiii",-'mi""orri. Goodhue, T. H.. s60 Eagtern-park_wav,-bi.LtV",'N. v. Mclniyre, C. p,a*ir,'p.-o- E-"i'zz, Kesas city, Mo. wood' Glenl E,' Port Jervis, New yoi-li. parsois,'J.'Taylor,'p. o. g"; sit, st. Joseph, Mo. Perdew, G. G-' P. o- Box 145,-East onnge, N. J. Isenberler, c. E, in L""it"i ei"6*!L,-irairi"Z"poii", rrai... Fredrickson' A. N.. 170 we3_t'state-streei, Trenion, N. J. W"to;;, Aryrr r-,'zlo t-r-t"r-g;change, Minneapolis, Minn. Kav, Harrsr A.' l2 North,Frazie-r-.rlt.,-Phit.a"iptt., F.. Robirtson. r. .1.,'zlo ttmil E-*"rr"rg", Minneapolis, Minn. Monison, John, sterling Hotel wilke;ba;e;-F;-- - Stewari, 1.-a., ii"i.lirn"iJl lr,ii"i"""t".

Knox, G. B.' 320 so. Linden Ave-., pittst"rittl'p*U"iiig:, I. J., !zs. World Herald Building, omha, Nebraska. Feinaugle, L. _J- s?sz carnegie ,c,'.., Fitiifr"igi,'r". - Roy, Hj e., r. o. s"i i0r,-r-i*Jr", Nebraska. Emer-son,-F. G- 912 Lexington_Bullding_, eaiii"mJr!,-Maryland. fi;;t""" *: n., F. o-s;'srZ'-i*t;rs". Nebrska.

Tuerffs, J. P., Miami Hotlt,_Dayton. bt;o. --- -'-- Loisel.'S. M.,-p,-O.-S-o;-liilf.r"if"ff, !.{ebraska. luppe, L._!V._Rogge !^tel, T.anejville,_Ohio,. Willrams, Eart D.. p. O. Box lts, Sioux Fallc, S. Dakota. Bushong,. E. E.-18ee €olonnade Road.'cleveland, ohio. na"rvritt"i'. l.'j., Cih ;;;. e?;f 5tr*r-wiil*i*"15.b. Lucas, C. S., Toledo Hotel.- Toledo, Ohio. Boileas, R. Iltr..'p. O. SiiOiq. Mi""t,-N. O"i"J. More, Uuglres, Puritan Hotel, Indiuapolis. Indiana. Bovee, C. L.. p. O. Bor 812. Billincs. Montana. collins, B. D.' EEs4 David Avenue, Detr;it, ui"tig"i. u""p"""ial"c. H:; ?zr-whir;--6;1iii";;*![|it"r weshington. orders or inquiries addressed, to any of our offices or representatittes or sant direct to the mills, wlll hazte prompt and careful attention.

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