2 minute read

Up and Down the


Grant Richards, of Oakland, formerly Vice President of the E. K. Wood Lumber Company, "nd no* retired, is a visitor in Los Angeles at the present time.


T. E. Whitmer, General Manager of Whitmer, Jackson & Company, Albuquerque, New Mexico, is a visitor in Los Atrgeles, accompanied by Mrs. Whitmer. He is looking over the territory, much of his time with' Mark Lil,lard who handles his stock in Southern California.

Mr. Whitmer makes a very optimistic report of things from his viewpoint. His mill is doing a capacity business and shipping most of his optput of sash, d,oors, and screens, into California. He is now completing an addition to his plant at Albu,querque that will incr,ease its capacity 80%" and when that is completed, in April, he says they are going after California business str,onger than ever. They manufacture stock windows, doors, screen doors, and mouldings, out of wonderful New Mexico white pine (as soft and fine as the old Michigan pine) and ,selling jt strictly to carload buyers. They have offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and El Paso.

Fifield 1923 Directory Appears

E. L. Fifield, one of the pr,ogressive lum,bermen of San Francisco, was a busy man ,last week supervising the distribution of his 1923 telephone directory of the lumber concerns of San Francisco a.nd the East Bay District. This year's directory is the same size as the 1922 edition, being 14 in. x l0)/z in., but difiers in color in that this year he has a brown card. The directory contains an alphabetical list of all the lumber dealers in the Bay Distri.ct, with their telephone nu,m,ber opposite the name of each concern. Every lumber office in the Bay District receives a coDv of the directory and as a ready-reference it is almost indispensable to the lumbermen.


R. A- Hiscox, and his son Richard G. Hiscox, of the Western States Lumber Company of San Francisco, spent several days recently on a business trip to Oroville. At Oroville they looked over the new pine plant of the Hutchinson T,um'ber Company. While in the pine region, they also visited several of the other pine mills in that vicinity.

Retailers Executive Board To Discuss Housing Bill

The executive board of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association will meet around the first of the month at the Association headquarters in San Francisco to discuss the new Housing Bill. There are at present three bills before the Legislature for action: Senate Bill No. 28 by Senator Lester G. Burnett of San Francisco; Senate Bill No. 52 by Senator Thomas f nm,an of Grass Valley; and Assembly Bill No. 82 sponsored by Assembly,man Lucien E. Ful,lwider of Santa Rosa. All the bills in their present form contain severa,l stipulations that are not satisfactory to the lumber iriterests of the state. At this meeting several changes and revisions are to be recommended to the legislature committee in charge of this legislation.

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