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California Tourist Crop Breaks Record
All records are being broken by this winter's California tourist crop.
California has grown accustomed to seeing people gather here by the tens of thousands to get away from the vigorous winters of the north. They com'e from all the territory between Seattle and New York City.
But the cro'p this winter destroys every past record. 1'he trains coming into Los Ange,les are loaded to the roof. The hotels of Los Angeles are besieged with people pleading for accommodations. The lvell known hotels are filled to overflowing, all the time, day and night, and they keep a phone list of sm,all hotels and apartments all over town where accommodations are to be had, and send their overflow patronage to these places. It has become a real problem with the hotel people, and one that they are working overtime trying to solve.
The winter in Southern California has been a wonderful one thus far, and for the past two weeks the mildness of the weather has permitted plenty of bathing and swimming at the Los Angeles beaches.
This tremendous flood o'f tourists simply means that thousands of people will return to their homes singing the praises of California, and the state will get a flood of most valuable publicity'as a result. And it will mean that thousands of people wi.ll go home and make their plans to return to California to live. It bites them all, this California gernr, no m,atter where they come from.
Thus the population will continue to grow, and prosperity will progress in the state of sunshine.