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of your ordinary Pine rcquiremente with CONSTRUCTION AI\D MERCHANTABLE REDWOOD.
Most of California'g oldest homeg were almost entirely built of Redwood. Their present good condition provea thie wood to be of ample atrength and remarkable durability.
California retailers realizing the adaptability of REDWOOD to their ordinary Pine requirements are now buying in especially large quantitiea.
We have a good assorted stock on hand for im- .mediate shipment. Let us take care of your lumber troubles with the best of REDWOOD.
Dry Saginaw Special Stars are NOT cooked to death, or sold with the idea that all the profit is in the underweight.
They are NOT made in a plant where the cream of the log goes into siding, and the balance into shingles.
They are packed with nothing narrower than 3 inch and are 90/s vertical grain and 90/s clear; they are of a uniform color, and are re-pressed after drying so that they present a neat, compact, attractive appearance. They are a premium shingle in value, yet priced only a trife over the common garden variety.