2 minute read
Includes Much Danger To Life And Limb
Theee men are working on euch a system in a western logging camp.
build an additional mill for cabinet work, etc., and they had to go over 'on 37th street to find space, and build it there, separate and apart from the main institution.
Owens-Parks have a splendidly equipped and efficient Iumber yard. The en'tire nine acres is paced with asphalt. There is a modern, direct-connected, e,lectrica'lly driven planing mill in the ,center of it that will turn out 450,000 feet of dressed lumber a day, when pushed.
There is a railroad track running down the cen'ter of the yard where they unload fourteen railroad cars at a time, and still leave roo,m for keeping the driveways open.
The yard itself stores from eight to ten mi.llion feet of lurnber on the average, and an assortmen't of everything the trade demands is kept in stock.
The loads of lumber for delivery are picked up on wagons in the vard, a.nd hauled down ,by Fordson tractors to the loading station. Ifere an overhead electric svstem picks the assorted load off the wagon, and drops it down on the waiting truck, and away goes the truck to the place of delivery.
There is probably as little ilost motion in the OwensParks yard as in any institution of its kind anywhere.
The office is a 'big, well lighted, well equipped, and attractive one. There are four private offices. One is done in mahogany. Another office is finished in Southern figured Gum, another in quarter sawed oak, and the ,fourth in silver tone California sugar pine.
The big working counter that runs the full way across the office is paneled w,ith many different woods, showing the different finishes, and visua'lizing for the bui'lder the stocks carried.
There is a big an,d hard-hitting organization in this plant, beginning with the General Manager Charlie Owens, and going all the way down the line.
The Owens-Parks Lumber Company is now finishing the biggest flooring, sash, door, millwork, and finish job 'in the history of California. This is the contract for the magnificent new Biltmore Hotel which wil,l be the pride of Southern Ca,lifornia when finished ,next fall.
We furnish Workmen's Corrrpensation Insurance to ber and woodworking manufacturers. Ours is a rocal association of mill men, doing business at only.
The leading mill operators of Texas and Louisiana created this organization. It affords full protection under the California laws. Concerning our standing and reliability ASK THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT
Inquiries Cordially Solicited
GEO. R. CHRISTIE, Gencral Manager
California Office
476 Monadnock
With the exception o,f the lobby, dining rooms, ball rooms, etc., the interior trim of this entire palatial hotel is of Port Orford Cedar. The lumber came from the mills of The Coos Bav Lum,ber Co., of San Flrancisco, and the trim was made in the Owens-Parks mill, and delivered direct to the job. It is probably the most pretentious job of trim ever done in Port Orford Cedar.
The floors of the hotel are of quarter sawed southern oak, bought by Owens-Parks from The Long-Bell Lu,mber Company, of Kansas City.
The various hardwood trir-n for the special dining and other rooms of that character in the hotel was furnished by The Commercial Fixture CoSpany, of I-os Angeles, and includes a varietv of orecious woods.
There are 5,000 birch doors in The Biltmore, #hich Owens-Parks bousht frorr The Hardwood Products Companv, of Neenah, Wis'consin.
All this material was furnished through and by the Owens-Parks Lumber Company. Their mill is running night and day this winter because of the great millwork order for The Biltmore.
The following are the officers of The Oweus-Parks Lumber Company:
Arthur S. Parks, until recently of Wichita. Kans'as, and formerly of Michigan and Wisconsin, President.
D. C. Rounds, well known lumber man of Wichita, Kansas, Vice President.
J. C. Owens, Los Angeles, Vice President and General Manager.
J. B. Hall, I-os Angeles, Secretary ,and Treasurer.
J. M. Chase, Sales Manager.