2 minute read
Fun, Facts and FilosophY
Only To His Friends
The golfing dufier was having an ttnusually bad day' Finally he got down into a deep sand trap, and was sweating and swinging away, trying to get her out. Another gang "played through" and as they passed the bunker w'here our hero was, one of them grinned and said:
"How are you shooting, old kid?" And our friend replied "None of your business you blankety blank blank, and if you weren't a friend of mine I wouldn't tell you that mu,ch."
Selling Talks
lThe first step in salesmanship is to know Skid there and you hit the toboggan. Put a \i[tt.t that you must also know yourself' 1 your goods. on your mug you m'eet in the mirror is a part of every sale make. a man may No matter how brilliant and fluent a ta be, he cannot talk convincingly until he thorough,ly acquainted with the proposition or subj to talk. upon which he is
A gtft of gab without the backi brass tack infor'mation is about as useful as a South board t Islander on a switih-
This doesn't put a bar on b windjammer, God bless him ! There are a lot of the n the selling game. It just means that those who stay ith it have the goods to back up their jazz.
Have all agreements yEitten plainly in the order, make no special promise t know cannot be taken care oI by those filling the orler. The fellovv who slips up on this will skin his shins frgf,n his big toe to his waistband.
A good salesm,aryfis the most valuab'le asset a house can 'have. He is the fouse in the field, the man that comes in contact with the/trade, and by him, by his actions, by his talk, the house y'nd its merchandise are judged.
Healthy men are the finest assets any sales force can have, for it takes a live fish to buck the ,current of commerce. Any old dead one can float down.
Orders are not taken today at midnight suppers or wine parties, but are given out and sold on the 'market in the keenest kind of competitive selling, w'hich takes place in the oflice or place .of business of the prospect.
The Only Patent On Possession
The ,only patent on possession is MERIT.
If you are the better man, the lesser must give way for yo11.
Fears are worse handicaps fhan years.
If you are down, it's pro'bably because you're downhearted.
ff you're hanging back, it's probably because you s'how a disposition to hang BACK instead of FAST.
Hope'lies beyond the NEXT hill-not behind the LAST.
They say sometimes, "It's cold as Hell" Sometimes they say "It's hot as Hell"
When it rains hard "It's Hell" they cry, It's also Hell when it is dry;
They hate like Hell to see it snow,; It's a Hell of a wind, when it starts to blow; Now how in Hell can anyone tell What in Hell they mean by this word "Hell?"
This married life is "Hell" they say; When they come home late, there's Hell to pay; It's Hel.l when the kid you have to tote; When he starts to bawl it's Hell of a note. It's Hell when the doctor sends his biltls; For a Hell of a lot of trips and pills; When you get this you''ll know real well, Just what is meant by this word "Hetll."
Hell yes, Hell no, and Oh Hell, too; The Hell you don't; the Hell you do;' What in the Hel'l? The Heltl it is?
The Hell with yours I The Hell with his ! Now who in the }Iell, and Oh Hell, where? And what in Hell do you think I care? But the Hell of it is-it sure IS Hell To find out what in the Hell is Hell?
We have excellent ctocks on hand for immediate delivery.