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Our Adt Bringsy
Lumber Dealers! -- you are the ' advertising of the famous
Ilipolito S Scrbens ana
Ask anY man in the buildinr
.rJr recognize the name---he will knor screens and screen doors. The advertising of Hipolito
The quality of the screens and ecre every hand we hear praise for the splendid of finish--the standardization of sizes-'tha' Examine any of the screens or scr€ You will understand then why architects Doors--using them as a standard of qualitS
Ilipolito (
For the simple reason that our fact things--window screens and screen doors--v Buying many carloads of wire cloth we can buy to beet advantage. Machinery, waeteo as do a number of labor eaving devir
Arder Spring StocAs Now !
Anticipating your needs, we have pr ro as to have no delays in filling orders. Foresighted dealere who place tht position to eecure bueinese. Nothing stim' ihe goods in your hande to fill ordere.