1 minute read
rertlsirtq oulResalts
ines to benefit bv our extensive
itoclt Size 'ScreenDoorc
industry about Hipolito---he will it stands for guality --- the best in has told him this. rn doors has backed rp the advertising. On workmanship and materials--the uniformity ':re typical of the Hipolito line. ,n doors yourself--see how they are nade. rre epecifing Hipolito Screene and Screen
Tosts Le'^s-s
ry specializee on the production of just two : are able to keep tle cost down. annually and huge quantities of Sugar Pine, *pecially designed for thie work, eliminates ,9.
;pared a big stock of eereene and screen doore r ordere now will be in a moet favorable latee businese like going after ito and having
Thc wire cloth irg rolled into ! goove undcr an evcn tension and held in place by a steel roa.
All etandard sizcr and rtyleo are_ia stocL. Speciil rizer or deeigus can be nade to order on short noticc.
Noto the etrcngth of rhe corner illustrated belor. It meane laeting satiefaction and rcrvice.