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Built"In Features Sold byus
We are distributors for the famous Pratt-Warner line of Built-in Features, such as ironing boards, breakfast tables and medicine cabinets.
Thie ie an item of importance to lumber dealereo builders and contractors becauee through placing their combination order with ue for window screeng and ecreen doors and built'in features' lre are able to combine the order in one shipment and often save you freight chargee.
The price to you is identic"lly tF" same_ as though you brdered from Pratt'Warner direct. We c"rty th-ege iteme in stock, rgady for i--ediate delivery, and ae both our window screens and screen doori are likewise made up, waiting in our warehouse, the combination of your order will not in any serse delay the delivery; in fact ofttimes it will speed it.
Lumber Dealers: A Special Prcposition!
We have an eapecially attractive proposition for profit making for lumber dealere. We will gladly explain it in full detail' on request.
Place Orderc Now!
Be Ready for Spfing Businessl
It is our suggestion to lumber merehants that t}"y phc: their orders with Li ttoln, so that the stock \ rill be on hand with them, ready for spring businesso thus avoiding any possible delay in transit