1 minute read

Sure! Sell Paint! tl^ i?ru

By Jack Deonne

Should the small town lumber dealer sell pa"int? Should he?

Should a fish swim? A bird fly? A winner bragg? A golfer cuss ?


As the nigger says-"That's what he shouldn't do nuthin, else but."

Study it for yourself, and see if there's .a flaw in the stone -^ fly in the pudding.

The lumber merchant of today is interested-not only in the building materials that go out from his place of business-but in the SATISFACTION OF THE CUSTOMER.

And the satisfaction of the customer, of course, lies in getting the righ,t kind of home, barn, or whatever building it is he buys the material to construct.

Sure ! We all agree on that, .don't we ?


What is ,the use of the lumber dealer securing for his customer the ri$ht boards, the right finis,h, the right siding, ceiling, flooring, and what not, and delivering them with pride to the fellow who is going to use the,m, and then taking a chance that a bad paint job, or a lot of poor paint, will des,troy entirely the appearance of the finished job in which that material is used?

Because yotr know beyond a doubt that the best lumber and the best shingles that you can put into and on a building, can be despoiled of their merit entirely by poor paint, or poor painting.

There's just as much sense in a lun.rber dealer selling the bui,lding materials and not the paint, as there would be in the clother selling the suit, but not the buttons.

The pain,t is nothing mor.e or less than an inseparable part of fhe building material as it is used.

All lumber exposed to view, or to the wea,ther, should be painted.

It should be painted correctly and intelligently if it is to have its full length of li,fe, and give satisfaction from an appearance standpoin,t.

A[rd poor paint, and bad painting WON'T DO.

The lumber dealer should sell the materials for a home, or a barn, or shed, or whatever the use may be; he should know all about the use to which it is to be put, and should make it his busines,s .to sell the right sort of paint for the job.

He should go farther.

He should be prepared to recommend and secure for that customer a dependab,le and able painter who could be depended to put the paint ,on right.

We have a paint proposition to live lumber dealers, who desire to handle paints of quality and backed by service.

Ourmaterials are made forpeople who know what good paint wilt do to improve the acceptability of their lumber.

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