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Random Items-Mill Run
"After learning to look forward to free copies of The California Lumber Merchant you have been forcing upon us, we do not like your letter threatening to cut off our supply Do you think this is fair?
"We are enclosing our check to apply on account and presume your credit department will dun us as soon as you require more. While this is legally blackmail, we h,ave gleaned an idea that should bring us big results."
E. K. lVood Lbr. Co., Los An,seles.
Sam Houston, founder of The Repub,l,ic of Texas, lived for years with thb Indians durin,g his youth.
Years afterward, when he was President of the Repu,blic of Texas, an Indian Chief whom he had lf,nown when 'he lived with the tribe,came to visit Sam, and they gave a big dinner party to show.hirn, off.
During the dinner a lady in the party asked the Chief if Mr. Houston had been popular with the Indians when he lived among them.
"Heap popular," said the Big Chief ; "Sam Houston,
1r0T ltow LITTTE-
HOW MUCH of our experience and service can you use?
Fot 26 years we have been in lumber and Los Angeles.
when he live with Indians, had fifteen-twenty papoose -" 21d here he paused, and the crowd gasped. Then the Big Chief complacently finished-"named after him."
There was a sigh of relief round the tab,le, and then Sam Houston said to the Big Chief : "Look here, Big Chief, you eithbr talk ,less or run your words closer together."
What Golf Is
A c'ynic says: "Golf is a game that needlessly pr.ol,ongs the life of a lot of very useless old men."
Gus Russell, of San Francisco, says that most men who start in a business withou,t capital, have to begin at the bottom and work up, but that it was different with him. He says his very first rlumber position was one ,of great responsibility. "Yes sir," says Gus, "my first position was one of great responsibility. I stood back of a p,laning mill machine, and such was the responsibility of my position that if I didn't catch the lumber as it came thiough, IT FELL RIGHT ON THE FLOOR."
What An Oil Well Is
"An oil well" according to the recent definition of an Iowa farmer who had evidently paid something to find out, "is a hole in the ground owned ,by a LIAR.,-
One of tfie great selling arguments in favor of Redwood is the fact that it is a
Permanent Wood
The dealer who recommends Redwood to his trade, donfers a favor that will last a lifetime.