1 minute read
Publicity One Half of the Game
By Jack Dionne
I have always had a profound {eeling o,f co';nrniseration in my heart for the young lawyer, just starting oqt in his pr'c' fessional career, and fo'r just one fundamental reason, and that is that the lawyer cannot ADVERTISE.
The first page of my book of business says that there are trvlo groat tlrings that a man rnust do when he starts out in life, after he had decided upon the line of busincss activirty to follow:
First-he rnust equip himself to SERVE along his line of chosen endeavor.
Second-he must ADVISE and CONVINCE r:he people whom he has equipped hirnself to SERVE, of that EQUIPMENT and that ABILITY.
Those two fundamentals, in my merchandisingly educated mentalitlr ?re qne and inseparable. They are like Hiawatha's bow and arrow, "Llseless each without the other."
The young attorney finishes his studies, gets his degree