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We sell anything in softwoods that the California dealer desires.

White Pine. Douglas Fir, Redwood, Cedar and Redwood Shingles, Split Redwood Posts, Ties ,--c Stekes.

Our connections are the best, and ue git)e the best possible seroice.


405 Lumbetmeo'r Bldg. SAN FR.ANCISCO, CAL

SUGAB AND WHITE PINE and his permit to practice, op€ns his office, hangs ow his shingle, and then-FINDS HIMSELF FACING THE STONE WALL OF ETHICAL CONSERVATION THAT SAYS HE SHALL NOT USE ?HE WAYS AND MEANS OPEN TO THE BUSIN'ESS MAN WHO trS ..SELLING HIMSELF' TO THE WORLD. ft.has always seenred to be that the man who has equipped himself to SE,RVE and then does not follow that up by using his every intell,igent effort to ADVISE tlle public of his equipment and ability, has done !\rrong inTTHREE distinct ways.

He cannot ADVERTISE, he cannot MERCHANDISE. He has a commodity fop sale that he has spent 5rears, and effort, and money to CREATE and BUILD UP, and make a thing to be valued and desired of men" and he' finds that the manner in which he may offer this stock in trade to ths public, is restricted indeed.

He may have pep, punch vigor, visioor,, ,enthusiasrno energy and ability galorq but he can got no quick action on them.

Therefqre, it seems to me the h.lrnber dealer should feel very gratefu,l, indeed, that there are no red tape restrictions around HIS business pattrway, such as surround that of th€ young attorney. (It is true that there still are lumiber dealers who act as though they thought ilt were unethical orr illegal, or somcthing of the kind for them to use any intelligent effort to do business in a businiss way, but they have become few and far bethreen.)

He has wronged himself ; he has wrorlged his busitress; and last and greatest of all, he has wronged trtre purblic whbse favor he desires, because it isi plain that if he HAS something that the public NEEDS, and he does NOT offer the

Calif ornia Reprerentativc

GERIINGER tUltlBER C0ltlPlNY of Portland, Oregon

Associate Manufacturers and Wholeaalers ..A GOOD LIVE CONCERN''

24 California Strect Tclephonc San Francirco, CaI.

We rolicit your inquirier-alro Cdifornia Red and White FIr Dimenrion Stock.

WE WILL BE GLAD TO QUOTE PRICES public this service or cornmodity-or both-in unmistakable manner, he may be the caurse of their overlooking something of which they stbod in distinct need.

Alro cvcrything ia Douglu Fir Lumbcr 'Univcrrit5r Brrndo Shinglcr .na our Spccialty.

Those are the three reasons why a merchant should advertise. (You will understand, of cou,rse, that rny reference to the trials of the young lawyer were no't r.lsed in the hope of converting the legal profession to the use od advertising, nor with a desire to criticize that pnofession, but sirnp,ly to recall to the lumberrnan one distinct ad,vantage HIS ;professi,on has over tlrat of the law.)

I have never been able to grasp even o,ne hundredth part of the viewpoint of the mrerchant who depends fo,r his living up'on the trade of rthe publig yet who,fails to utilize in

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