2 minute read

Planning for bigger business

fIr/E ARE glad to announce a program of improvements and better. \A/ Fgltts, in_volving- an expenditure of some S00,000.00, which we " believe will result in an increase in production and shioments that^will prove more ncarly equal to the ste;dily growing demind for our Keowooo prooucts,

We_ have purchased two new electrically operated logging engines which will increase our producti.on and, assure a greater supply of Redwood toSs lor Dotn our saw mrlls, his own behalf his dne greatest sales force-PUBLICITY. To me the two great divisions of busihess stated previo,usly, m,ust apped to any mentality.

Our storage capacity and handling facilities are being expanded by the ercctior of an additional broken unit shed in connection with our Mill B. This will provide sufficiently increased storage {or .dry lumber to permit full operation during the Winter, and will enable us to carry a^ la,rger,reserve of worked stock, to apply against the usual neavy Dprtng oemand.

We are putting in an additional loading track at the back of the plaaing mill and lactory to facilitate shipping of straight carload lots of items which move in quantities. and we are building twenty-five new cottages and adding seventy-five rooms to the hotel at Scotia Ior the more comfortable housing of our workers.

You equip yourself to serve; you make the public aware of your service. ft is as plain as two plus traro makes four. The rnerchant who thinks purb,licity is, no;t. necessary to the prosperity orf his business, has simply declared that two plus nothing make four.

For as surely as the Lord made small green,apples, the o'ne and is just as great and just as important as the other: Greater, in fact, because you rnray have a connmodity of value for sale and fail to sell it because no,o,ne is aware of y,our possession; while on the other hand, there are many men in this world who have in fact nothing to sell, but who create a demand thro,ugh publicitS and go out and buy the stock to surpply the demand, after the de,mand has been created. So it seerns to rne that Uf the two divisions I, laave namedr, the selling end is even greater in impodance 'than th,e possession of the community that.is offered for sale.

Anrd the man who fails to realize their well bal,anced value, is short sighted, indeed. I pitty the young lawyeq although I respect him for do'ing his best under tJre circumstances he is called upon to me€t. f have NO respeot for the fellow who C.dN, and SHOULD, and DON'T.

He is convicted under the Parable of the Ten Talents.


The Upson Company, Lockport, N. Y., rnanufacturers of high grade pulp board, are now invading the great State of California for the first time. In the past this concern has maintained one man on the entire Pacific Coast. covering California as welil as the rest of the western teriitory. Seeing_ the great possibilities of California the oo-pany now plans an energetic invasion of the state in tehalf of their board, and has sent two active young men to California to do the work.

R. T. Crain, 821 South Bixel Street, Los Angeles, is handling S,outhern Cali{ornia, and Widliam Wells, of San Fra,ncisco, has charge of Northern Cplifornia.

Warner And Woods Visit Los Angeles

F. A. Warner, \/ice President and General Manager, and W. H. Woods, Sales Manager, for The Coos Bay Lumebr Coqgan-y, both of San Francisco, are Los Angeles visitors as this issue of The C. L. M. goes to, press.

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