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Golfers as Is Golfers
Here are some snap-shots of .the recent "unpleas'antness" that took place when the Southern California golfing gang got together on February 6th at San Gabriel to decide the question "Who's Who in Golfdom."
Here's who they are, so as to keep the record straight: The gent by himself, with white shirt and no coat, who looks as though he had just sunk an approach shot (he didn't according to the record) is J. Farnsworth, of The California Door Company.
The right hand man is Howell Baker, ,o'f The California Panel & Veneer Co. (That makes two ads in this paragraph tor this firm. We'll have to raise their rate.)
T,he last picture to be described, ladies and gentlemen, is a threesome. Two of these knickerbockerists are holding tight to the center one. Notice that? He must be the one "in the know" about where it is an' every,thing'.
The one on the left is C. E. Loyd, the panel man, of Los Angeles. Whatever he just said he "smiled when he said it" so it's all O. K. The cen'ter one w'ho is holding up the other two, or being held up by them, or whatever the situation is, is Robert Forgie, of L. A. who knocks 'cm for a c'lean goal with Bloedel-Donovan's stufi in this neck of the woods. The right hand man is Walter Gibbs of The Monarch Screen Company. He looks-as thou'gh he had put something over on somebody, but the picture don't show what.
The other single gentleman (in this picture not in life) is Mark W. Lillard, of Los Angeles, who managed the tournament. He also looks as though the ball had 'been behaving. Gnlv one other thing would m'ake a man smile that way-but this is a golf story.
Then you'll find a foursome, grouped family style. The big guy on the left in this gang is Henry Hansen, o'f The California Panel & Veneer Company. Next is Mark Lillard. (We let him in twice for f'urnishing these pictures). He seems still happy. Then comes E. R. Maule. He is the one who'has a right to grin. He won the tournament. But look how sober he looks. (W'ell, maybe he was).
That's the end of this story. Miss Wittel, down in the combined office of Lillard an'd Forgie slipped us the pictures, and the remarks, italics (if any), punctuation, and merry quips and jests, are all our own.
Ain't nature grand?