2 minute read
Redwood Association Offers Dealers Practical Selling Assistance
In line wi,th announcements. recently made in these columns concerning dealer service for lu,mber dealers to be supplied this year by The California Redwood Association, that organization has just mailed out its first broadside offer to the dealers of California, signed by Secretary Hammatt.
The announcement_ says: "If, as was undoubtedly the case, real merchand,ising ideas and material were included in your annual inventory (nnw happily finished) you will be interested in knowing that you can obtain'frbm The California Redwood Association without cos,t, actual material with which to put those ideas into execution. Such mat.erial includes ,letter inserts in 'two colors, window display's and window trim, illustrated electros r?rrd mats for newspaper advertising, personal letters to architects, contractors, customers and prospects, exhibit m,aterial for local building shows, county fairs, etc.
"In addition our Service Depart,ment is available to you. upon r'equest, for personal consideration and assistanci in connection with individual merchandising problems which may. iclude f!1e.ct by mail efforts, ne*s!"p.r advertising, displays, publicity, compilation and use oi mailing listi, etc."
There is a questionnaire on the back of the announcement letter which the interested dealer is to fi,ll in. ,showing whether or not he stocks Redwood, whether or not he wants help in increasing his sales, w,ha't particular line he wants hel.p in, and lists given.
It is a notable meet with the full what list of helps he u.ants, from the full effort at dea.ler assistan,ce that should co.operation of the retail trade.
Redwood Association Invites California Dealers To Visit Redwoods
The California Redwood Association hopes.'to entertain retail dealers from all parts of California during the coming summer up in the great Redwood forests. Secretary Ham,matt has been carrying this invitation personally to each of the various lu,m,ber organizations in ,the state, and has received acceptances definitelv from the Sacramento Valley, The Central, and the San Joaquin Valley Clubs. The Southern Califoinia associations have also been invited.
The Redwood Association doesn't want al,l ass,ociations to come at once, as the crowd rvould be too great to handle well, but wants them t-o come in groups. and they will be shown the i'y,onders of the Redwood woods, and of the manufacturing institutions.
Th"q some very lr.ppy excursions will result from these lnvltatlons ls certarn.
BRoWNING IN NEw oFFIcEs IE..---. ,:
11 A_ Browning has moved his offices to larger quarters in the -Los Angerles Stock Exchange Building, litrere he has a much more commodious location. He now has suite 921
Eastern Door Sales Manager Calls On California Trade
Harrison A. Smith, Sales Manager of the Hardwood Products Corporation, Neenah, WiJconsin, manu.facturers of hardwood doors, was a recent visitor to San Francisco. and with his Pacific Coast representative. L. J. Woodson of. San_Francisco, called upon the trade in the Bay Dis- 'trict. Mr. Sm,ith returned home through the Nort'hwest, stopping off at Tacoma, PortJand, and Siattle. He reoorts that his factory is extremely tbusy, ancl that orders "r. f", exceeding production. He a.lso ltates that prices are on the upward trend.