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Yard, Mill, Office and Road
What Live California Lumbermen are Doin$.
Hayward Employes Have Monthly Meet
The employes of The Hayward Lumber Co', at Long Beach, Caj., have a, monthly meeting in the evening,-.at which the business affairs oi the yard are thoroughly discussed, and plans made for future operations.- These monthly meetings have proven very suc-cessful indeed, and keep the men ."p-*epped up" on their work by arousing their interest and enthusiasn.r'
Dave H. Boice has just resigned the position of mana.ger of The Ambassador Hotel in L. A. and gone to Longville, Wash., to become one of the executives 'of The Long-Bell Lumber Co., at that point. Longville is ihe new name of the town and world's greatest mill plant which Long-Bell is building near Kelso, Washington. Mr. Boice's job will be to build the new and 'modern hotel the company has planned there, and to assist in the building and- operating bf a modern industrial city, and to operate the hotels, etc. There will be three hotels for the men as well as the genera'l com,m'ercial hotel.
Mr. Boice was given a big banquet in the Alexandria Ho'tel before leaving.
Euphrat Returns From Portland Trip
M. L. Euphrat, of the Wendling-Nathan Co. of San Francisco, has returned from a three weeks trip to Portland, Oregon. I{e re'ports that the market in the Portland district has been firm, and the recent storms which closed most of the logging camps in that section, has had the tendency t,o rnake the market even firmer.
Woodson Visits Northwest
L. J. Woodson, Northern California representative of the \A/heeler-Osgood Company of Tacoma, Washington, has just re'turned from a business trip to the factory, where h.e finds the mill working overtime in an endearror to keep production at a point *hete they can give their customers good service. At the present time, as for several months past, orders exceed produc'tion.
Will Buy More Lake Type Carriers
It is reported that The E. K. Wood Lum'ber Co', are negotiating for the purchase of two more lake-type freight steams to hau,l lumber from the northwest to California' This company has already purchased ,and pla-ced in. service tw,o oi tt i. type of tie"m.r, the Lake'bridge and the Lakeshoe.