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Plans and Progress Here and There What Busy CaliforniaLumber Folks Are Talking About
G. R. Bleecker, o{ San Francisco, represen,tative of th,e Eagle Lumber Co., states that the Eagle Lumber Co. with hea'dquarters in Portland and mills at Westimber, have opened a new ofhce at Grants Pass, Oregon, under the management of A. B. Davis. At their Grants Pass office. they wi,!l handle a pine business exclusively, and the businesi here s'ill be condncted under the name of the Eagle Lum- ber Co. Mr. Bleeker reports that fhe recent heavy snows in the Northwest has tempofarily closed the company's fir mills at \\,-estim,ber.
Los Angeles Retail Lumber Salesmen To Meet
Notices have gone ou,t to the retail salesmen of the Los Angeles District, ca,lling a meeting to be held at the Elite Cafe, Wednesday evening, February 28th.
The cornmittee has arranged for a dinner at 6:30, they will have se,rerai speakers, s6me music, and then will-make definite arrang'ements forthe formation of a club to meet regularly.
This is the third such meeting that has been held. The men are all enthusiastic about the idea and the committee that has been working on the details predict a wonderfu,l future for the club.
W. B. Wiggens, of Broughton and Wiggens, portland, Oregon, is spending a few days in San Frinlisco supervis- ing the general overhauling of the steamer, Ernist H. Meyers. The Steamer Ernest H. Meyers is one of the Iumber vessels owned bv Charles R. -McCormick & Co. and was named after Mr. Meyers, wh,o is man.ager of their Portland office. Mr. Wiggens is in the pole 1nd piline business. with their headquarters and plant locatid i; Portland.
Rangers War On Forest Outlaws
Forest Rangers last year killed 274 mountain ,lions. coy- otes and bobcats on the National Forests of Califrornia, reports the United States Forest Service. Trhe destruction of these forest outlaws will save many deer and other game. as well as thousands of do,llars worth of live stock, -utt ot which are preyed upon by these varmints. The Santa Barbara National Forest in Southern Californi,a heads the list with a kill of l0.i coyotes, 53 wildcats and 41 mountain lions. The destruction of predatory animals is one of the m-any cooperative actit'ities of the rangers in the interests of the users of the Nationa! Forests.
B. J. Boorman, of Great Falls, Montana, has selec,tecl his site for a new retail lumber yard in East Oak,land ancl at an early.date construction work lvill be under lvay. Mr. Boorman, is an ex-president of the Western Retaii Lum_ berman's Association, and formerly rvas the head of sev- eral retail lunrber yards in Mon,tana.
We can make prompt all rail shipmenta
Van Dyke Dropped In
Joltl Van Dyke, who rtrns a yard at Johannesburg, in the Mohave Desert, recently came into Los Angeles ,on business.
The Homestead Lumber Co. have opened a new yard at 30th _and _Q. streets, Sacramento, under the managership of John Morley. Mr. Morley was formerly connected with the Sunset Lumber Co. of Sacramento.