1 minute read

A Great Retailer on Price Cuttin$

George Peter Thompson, of T'hompson Yards, Inc', of Minneapolis, Minn., is the worldls greatest retail lumber 'dealer.

He is the greatest retail lum"ber dealer for two reasons' First, he operates more retail yards and does a greater retail business than anY other man.

Second, he is one of the most active, vigorous' resourceful, intel'ligent, ancl progre'ssive of lumber merchants' The Thompson system of nlerchandising build'ing materials is one of the modern marvels of the world'

There is no man living who believes more strongly than does George Peter Thompson in the lumber dealer'having just one price, charging it to all mren, and never cutting it under any conditions.

No Thompson yarcl manager or salesman is given any latitude or longitude in price makin'g. They fix their price at what they believe the lumbe'r to be worth, arriving at that price by adding to the delivered cost their 'cost of doing bnsiness plus a reasonable profit. Then they either sell on that price basis, or they donrt sell.

And Mr. Thompson's philosophy concerning price cutting is well worth placing in the' mentality of every merchant' He says:

"The man who cuts his own price t'o get business is either a fool or a knave; either he was asking more than ,the stuff was worth in the first place, or else he is cutting a fair price, which c-rnly a fool will do."

There is a whole lo,t of meat in that cocoanut'

Summer Homes In National Forests Popular

If you want a summer'home in the California mountains' at a irominal cost, it's high tim'e you were gettin$-bqsy,.for ih" U.,it.d States Foresiservice reports that the choice lots i" th. National Forest are going like hrot cakes' At the close of 1922 there were 34ollecriation permits in effect on fh. tlution"l Forests of the st'ate, a gain of m'ore than 1'5 per cent over the previous yeqr. Of this total, 3073 per-it, *.t. for summer home sites, and 288 fror 'hotels, resort-s, municip'al camps and other recreation features' The leading summer-horne Forests are the Angeles-and Cleveland ifr So,uthern California and the Eldor'ado, Sierra, Stanislaus and Sequoia in the Sierra region'


ZGlasby & Uotn'PanY announce has been with that concern for pointed office tnanager of the Bemis, who has resigned to go that Fred \\/. Davies, who some time, has been aPconcern to' succeed C. B. into business for himself.

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