2 minute read
Lumber By-Products, North and South
From Shasta's Lofty Summit to Coronado's Silver Strand.
May Be Total Loss
The motorship Sierra, or,r'ned by the E. K. Wood Lumber Co,mpany, which was damaged in a collision with the Matson liner Wilhelmina off the Golden Gate two weeks ago and which is now on the drydock of the General Engineering and Drydocking Company, has been inspected by representatives of the various ship yards and the opinion is that the vessel is a total loss. The da,mage to the Sierra, it is c,laimed, is such that it will be impossi- ble to repair her for less than $135,000, the amount for which the vessel is insured.
The Sierra was hit a,midships on the starboard side ancl the inspection showed that she has a ,permanent set of ap- proximately seven inches to port on ,the starboard sicli. On the keel there is a deflection to port of a,bout four and a half inches. The bend on the keel-is gradual and extends from stem to stern. The opinion of those who examinecl the vessel is that to repair her she would have to be cut in two and the middle section of the vessel renewed, which would necessitate the removal of all machinery, tanks an<l bulkheads as rvell as tl.re entire removal of ihe miclships house.
Garry Bennett Returns From The Northwest
Garry Bennett, of the Bennett-Hamlin Lumber Co. of San Francisco, has returned to San Francisco after a three weeks trip to the mi,lls in Oregon and Washington. During the tl.rree weeks that he was in the North-. the mill$ operated about one week; the heavy snows necessitating the closing of mill operations. He reports the receni snow storms in Washington and Oregon are the worst that they have experiencecl in years ancl caused the cornple,te shut dowr o{ logging operations. At the highest ,logginu camps of the Silver Lake Lumber Co. in Oregon, ;ghi l:g.!.of snow_was reported, rvhile the logging ."ripr'in itre Willamette Vallev reported a snow fall- oi a,bout twenty inches. At A'berdeenj Washington, there was about forty inches of snow reported from siveral of the Gray's Harbo'r l9e,S1ng_concerns. Mr._ Rennet_t a,lso spent seveial days at the Dody I umber & Shingle Co. mill, which concern they represent in Nort,hern California.
The lumber schooner Irene, loaded with lumber from Aberdeen, Washington, made a record run recently to San l99ro harbor, making the distance in nine days, where fift'een to twenty days is ordinary time.
'''"ER SOLD -/
The Hess Bros. Lum,ber Co., Bishop, Cal., has purchased from the Inyo National Forest five million feel of pine and red and white fir in the Owens River Valley region. The price rvas $2.50 a thousand.
Eureka Manufacturer Buys Redwood
It is r,eported irom Eureka that Ralph W. Bull. owner of the R.xy5ids Mill at that point, has iecently purchased a magnificent tract o{ Redwood timber from The Desert Land Company. The tirn,bef rvill ,be manufacturred at Eureka.
New Mill Finished At Blue Lake
John Buckley has finished building a circular mill at Blue Lake, near Mendocino, and has started operations. He is cutting both Pine and Redwood timber, and has a daily out- put of 20,000 feet.