1 minute read

The must

Through snow, ice, sleet and drifts, the food car must make its way ! And it has to get to the camp. With a bunch of hungry men waiting for the stroke of noono delays cannot be excused.

You need a car on whidr you can positively rely. And that is the M. A. C. Utility Gas Car. It is the ernbodirnent of modern ideas and up-to-date rnanufacturing mcthodg into a superior machine that is filting a pressing every.day logging need.

Light, fast, economical, this powerful gasoline<lriven railway car has proven itself the 'mainstay in emergencies in countless cases.

The specifications shown on the left indicate the quality of material and parts built into the M. A. C. Utility Car. It is built to work, not to bc repaircd. Its uses arc unlimited. For hauling, pulling, fire-fighting, (we havc special equipment for use in killing fires) and for all of thc rush jobs around logging operations. Write or wire for our catalog and price. Put the M. A. C. at work in your camps.

Skagit Stecl & Iron lVorkr Sedro-Woollcy, Warh.

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