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Man is the only animal that blushes-or needs to.
Stained Shingle Concern Report Flying Start In California
That stained shingles are being well accepted in Southern Ca,lifornia, in spite of their newness, is the report of Barrett F{anawalt, of the Hanaw:alt-Spaulding Co., of Los Ange'les, who are operating a splenhid shingle staining plant at 2ZO3 Santa Fe Avenue. Los Angeles. -
This concern is using Red Cedar Shingles ,made by The Shull Lumber & Shingle Co., of Vancouvei, B. C., a very famous British Columbia shingle, and are staining them at their Los Angeles plant with Cabot's famoud cre,osote shingle stains, which have an national reputation. The combination is undoubtedly a wonderfu,l stained shingle. . f!..y are using a Cabot shingle staining machine. The bundle .goes righ.t into the .machine withdut breaking the bands, is placed in a tight holder, and then churned ibout rapidly by mechanica,l power, until the stain thor,oughly penetrates the shingles. This is a long tested device,and gives uniform and dependable saturation.
Mr. Hanawalt states that the first idea of the retai,l lu,m. berman is that fhe price of stained shingles is high, and h.e is- busy explaining to them-which is 6asily don"e when the factsare fgured-that this is a far cheaper ,method than putting the shingles on a roof and then having them stained with a brush, or dipping them separately and then , putting them on a roof, and it makes a much betier staining ' job than either. The cost of a good stained shingle G simp,ly the cost of the good shingle plus the cost o"f the good stain, plus a very low cost for siaining. It probably