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The AIRTITE FRAME & LOCK.IOINT SASH afford the perfat wlndow lnstallation Thcy make pocrible a highcr degree of inrula. tlon than heretofore attaincd, or obtainable with any utedal othet than wood.
Intqlocklng Join6 of Airtitc Fmmer. Pulley stilea'and oagh ploughed for lock'ioint weather-rtripping. Novcl aod unique Lock.Joint Saah meetingraila with cqacting flanger,
Sill double.horned for blind rtop. Outeide clll bar Y+inch depth for weathep ptoof joint with rtorm rarh.
Sill and oarh ploughed for Iock,Jolnt wathcr rtrlpr
All stock rizee, for all rtandstd tylrcs of coDstruction. (Fully protected by U. S. Patent No. l?52271. Other U. S. and Foteign Patents Pending)
Old.ctylc rash cord knot replaccd hcrc by metal femrle connectini cord with aagled oocket ir ride of clrh, which autouticilly .Iocke itoelf againot die- l'rcemcnt.
Sill moulded wlth borl facc parallcl,arcuring tight joint entire wldth of jub. Pitch of eill lncreagcd to 3 inch-er iq 13, orovl.ll-g rre dBrugc.
A completely wcadra-rtrippcd unit, rcady to lnrtall. Entirc cost l! lesr thrn for old.type of frame and window plus eddi. tloml colt of wathc. rtrlpping.
Dougler Fir Lunber, Timberc, Door md \illndow Fnmer, Trinpal; Werten llen lck Lumber; \l/ertem Red Cedar Siding md Shinglee; Southen Pinc Lmbcr and Timbcre; Southcm Hardwood Lunber, Tlmberr end Trlmpah; Oah Floriag,
LUMBER SALES Lumbctmen since 78?5 rCELI;lzcd Oak Flooring Stripe, *CELLizcd Ork Floor Plankc,'CELLized Oak Floor Blochr; California White Pinc Luber, Serh md Doorr, Box Shookc; Creoroted Southem Pine Lumbcr, Tlmbcn, Portr, Poler, Tier, Guard.Rail Ports, Pillng:
\f,/cather.ctr ip r rpeclally da dgned, mde of all hart, edge gninDou glarFir. lnpregnated wlth pan6n to make thcE impwiour to Doisturc aDd to provide nrb lubricatloo.