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Incorporcled under tbo lcm ol Cclilornitr
J. C. Dioaae, Pres. snd -Trece.; I. E. I'tcrtia, Vice-Prer.; W. T. BlccL, Secrgtcry Publisled the lst cnd l5ih ol eccf, nontb ct 318-19-2ll Central Builcirg, 108 Wct Sixth Street, Los Aagcle:, Cct., Telephme VAadiLe {565 Ell.red @ Second-clas Edtter Sept.nbet 25, 192!2, at the Post-Otfice at Lor Aageler, Cqlilonic, -uder Act ol Mcrch 3, l8l9
How Lumber Looks
.^Lumber production during the week ended February 17, 1940, was one per cent grealer than in the previous #eek, snlpments were I per cent less, and new business .3 per cent Iess, accordlng to reports to the National Lumber Manu_ tacturers Association from regional associations.
For the seven weeks of 1940 to date. new business was l0 per cent.above production and shipments were 6 per cent aDove productlon.
tt e week ended February 17, 533 mills produced 792,874,W feet of softwoods anA hardwoods cbmbined, shipped I97,252,W feet, and booked orders of. 2A2,627,Ad feet.. Revised figures for the preceding week, 537 mills repgTtilg, -were: p_roduction l9l;849,000Teet, shipments 215,_ 044,000 feet, and orders 203,D6,W feet.
Lumber orders reported for the week ended February 17 by 44l;oftwood mills totaled 191,089,000 ieet, stripmentt were 185,582,000 feet, and production was 180,331,000 feet. - Reports from 1O4 hardwood mills for the week gave new business as 11,538,0O0 feet, shipments 11,620,000-feet, and production 12,543,000 feet.
The Western Pine Association for the week ended Feb_ r-uary 17, 111 mills reporting, gave orders as 52,159,000 feet, shipments 56,881,000 feet, ind production 44',71j',06 feet. Orders on hand at the end of tie week totaled Zil,-_ 477,ffi0 feet.
The Southern Pine Association for ruary 17, 156 mills reporting, save feet, shipments 27,259,000 feet, "and the week ended Feborders as 8,752,0N production 30,914,000 feet. Orders on hand at the end of 617,000 feet. the week totaled 82,-
Lumber cargo arrivals at Los Angeles Harbor for the rveek ended February 24 amounted to I3,D8,00O feet as compared with 10,837,000 feet the previous week.
Shipments of lumber by water from the Pacific Northwest into California in January, as reported by the Pacific Lumber Carriers' Association, San Francisco, totaled 62,589,10O feet. This total is about 14,000,000 feet less than in January, 1939.
Deliveries at the various ports were as follows:
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Thirteen coastwise lumber carriers with a lumber carry- ing capacity of about 32,000,000 feet have been chartered for offshore or intercoastal trade. Shipping men look for an extreme shortage of space for lumber shipments into California if vessels continue to be chartered. It is stated on excellent authority that only three or four of the vessels now laid up can go into service without great expense to the owners.