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Certigrade Californian New Model Home
The newest-of-the-new model home, the Certigrade Californian, has been completed and was dedicated in Studio City, near Los Angeles, Calif., Friday afternoon, February 9. Hugh Herbert, popular film star and mayor of Studio City, took a prominent part in the dedicatory ceremonies which were attended by a large number of lumbermen and building material dealers.
Designs for the Certigrade Californian were drawn up by the National Plan Service, Chicago, and come in three models, a feature of the project. Plan A has been reproduced in the Studio City home; it is of seven-room construction-a living room, dining room, utility room, kitchen, den and trvo bedrooms, in addition to bath. This unit is intended for the mild climates characteristic of Southern California and has already met with widespread accePtance.
Plan B and C are sufficiently similar to Plan A so that the beautiful individuality which is the Certigrade Californian's is retained. Plan B is designed for temperate clirnates, having a living room, dining room, kitchen, utility room, bath and trvo bedrooms, the utility room replacing the den which characterizes Plan A. Plan C comes lvith a full basement for the heating plant and fits admirably into frigid climatic zones.
In the construction of the Certigrade Californian, Douglas Fir plywood and Oak were used for flooring, Certigrade Red Cedar shingles for roof and sidewalls, West Coast Hemlock for roof sheathing, Knotty Pine for some of the interior walls, California Redwood for exterior trim, and Douglas Fir for wall studding and bracing.
The Red Cedar shingle roof construction is unusualfour layers of shingles at every point of the roof. This is effected through the use of. 24-inch shingles as the underlayer for every fourth course of 16inch shingles, rvhich are exposed S-inches to the weather. Sidervalls, too" are unusually attractive, with 1S-inch shingles double-coursed and laid 14-inches to the weather. This double-coursing provides a deep shadorv line which is sought after by home builders. White lead paint was used on the sidewalls, and a light brown stain makes the roof doubly attractive.
Norman A. Morris, Los Angeles, was the builder. Plans for the home are available from the National Plan Service through retail lumber dealers.
Among the sponsors of the Certigrade Californian are the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, National Retail Lumber Dealers Association, National American Wholesale Lumbermen's Association, West Coast Lumbermen's Association, Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, California Retail Lumbermen's Association, Western Retail Lumbermen's Association, Western Homes Foundation, Douglas Fir Plywood Association, Arizona Retail Lumber and Builders' Supply Association; Inc., Lumber and Allied Products Institute, Los Angeles, and San Fernando Valley Lumbermen's Club.
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