3 minute read

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By loch Siantp

Agc not guarantecd---Some I have told ]or 2O years---Some Less

Just a Plain Business Proposition

The Secretary to the Pope walked into the Pope's business office one day, just in time to hear a conversation that immediately caught his attention. The holy father sat on one side of his business desk, and an American business man sat across from him, and was making him a very energetic sales talk. His brief case was open, he had a raft of papers on the desk in front of him, and as the Secretary came in, the American said:

"I'11 make one more offer, and that is my highest and best proposition. We will give five million dollars, cash on the barrel head, good old American money. And that's my final offer."

Makes New Connection

J. L. (Jake) Branson, who was with Smith Lumber Co., Oakland, for the past several years, is now with Bay City Lumber Co., Oakland.

C. D. Johnson Lumber Corporation


The Pope replied: "No, it is impossible.

The American rose, put his papers back in his brief case' said goodby, and left. The Secretary said: "I was not eavesdropping, but I could not help hearing that amazing offer that man just made you. Five million dollars ! Goodncss, what we could do with five million cash right now!"

"We could, indeed," said the Pope.

"What did he offer you five million dollars for?" asked the Secretary.

"He wanted us to take the word 'Amen' out of the prayer book wherever it appeared, and put 'Texaco' in its place."

On Hawaiian Trip

B. J. Bagen, secretary, Washington Door Co., Tacoma, and Mrs. Bagen sailed recently from San Francisco on & vacation trip to the Hawaiian Islands.

Redwood Panels Increase Dealer Sales

The Geo. E. Ream Company, wholesale distributors of Super Redwood plywoods, reports a growing demand for these new and beautiful panels manufactured by the hot plate method using a special cresol formaldehyde synthetic resin binder, which makes them practical for every useinterior or exterior.

The dual purpose of Redwood Plywoods make them adaptable for exterior painting, as well as highly artistic natural interior finishes.

Stocks of these plywoods are carried in the rvarehouses of the above company to serve the dealer trade.

State Retailers' Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the California Retail Lunrbermen's Association will be held at the Hotel Californian. Fresno, Saturday, March 23, at 12:00 noon. The meeting is for the election of officers and the consideration of other Association business. The meeting will begin rvith a luncheon served at the Hotel Californian.

Changes Of Managers

J. A. Greenelsh, former manager of the Homer T. Hayward Lumber Company's yard at Pacific Grove, has been transferred to the Salinas yard as manager.

Frank Sparling succeeds Mr. Greenelsh as manager of the Pacific Grove yard, having been transferred from Hollister.

Glen Tucker has been rnoved from the Salinas yard to manag'e the company's Hollister branch.

Means Means

Freight Rate Increase April 8

The following resolution was unanimously adopted at a regular monthly meeting of the Board of Governors of Pacific Coast Lumber Carriers' Association held in San Francisco, February 21, l94O:

"Resolved that the freight rates from ports in Oregon and Washington to California ports be increased 5Oc per M feet B.M. on all items in U.S.M.C. Tarifi No. 1 and Supplement No. 15, effective April 8, 19n."

The above rate changes will be published in P.C.L.A. Local Freight Tariff No. 2, U.S.M.C. No. 2, rvhich will be distributed the first week in March, 1940.

Treated Lumber Advertised to Consumer

The American Lumber & Treating Co., Los Angeles, is running a series of consumer advertisements on the building page of the Los Angeles Times designed to stimulate the sales of Wolmanized lumber by the retail lumber dealer. The series started on February 11.

Each advertisement features the picture of an individual and his statement that he has used this material in his own home. The men quoted include an architect, a retail lumberman, a builder, a banker, a carpenter and others.


E. J. Striepeke, who has for some years been manager of the Sterling Lumber Company's yard at Santa Rosa, has resigned to become manager of the lumber department of C. E. Dole, lumber and building material dealer, Valleio.

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