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Someone hcs said that cr "sutrrer-sclesmc[" is c so-Gurd-so lrom the heqd \.- office with cr specicl price thcrt the regulcr *rlesnen cne not cllowed to quote.
/ A "scles counsellor" is a mcrn who couldn't sell perlectly good eyes to
\ An^a millioncires, but pull down importcnt coin tor telling others how to do things thct they ccn't do themselves. (There is cr ncm ncking cr lortune in thiu' country todcry, telling lrople how to mcrke lriends, while rumor hcth it that he is the lonesomest mcm fur his own home town )
Snith scrid to Jones:'\llfhctever becoe oI that lellow Blcck who used to live here, who tclked so big yet never held c iob?" lones replied:'Why Blcrck noved to New York where he wecrs hcrd hcrte crnd grrey spcrts cmd nckes cr lot ol lolding money tecrching business men how to mqke Gr success in life."
Schools ol strlesncmship hcve done c world ol good,'nre still doing so. No sensible man denies thct. But it iB wise to rernember, cdier you hcrve iqken cr course in selling, thcrt they only point the wcry. The rest ol the proposition ir hcnd work cnd personcrlity.
Salesncnshipwith cll the ruffles torn off-simply me-'re getting the nirne on the dotted line; csrd with the right ligrures showing in the order. The only prrcticcl tesl ol a mcm's selling cbility iE lhe linrrl net prolit on his eales.
Selling isn't cr science-it'8 tr iob,'c hcrrd, swecty, personcl iob. And dodt ever let qnyone tell you othenrise. The dcrys oI Dicrmond lirr Brcrdy cre gotre lorever.
' Simplicitv, trutblulness, understcrnding of cmd fqith in the thing you sell and the house you represeni-these cre the loundation stones on which selling is built They were in the beginning, cto Dow, cmd they crlwcrys will be.
A business trcmsaction is likewise sinple. It consists oI getting cm order, lilling it in such mqDner that the buyer is plecrsed crnd prolited cs well cs the seller collecting thc money; delivering the goods,'cmd cmpleting the whole tssnsaction in such mcnner thct trll pcrrties concemed are satislied.
And the lirst crnd most importcnt oI these units is the sale. And, il crpprocrching your sqles effort, remember, only 5 per ceut of the people re<rlly TIIINK (cmd thct's c generous esri'rrcte),'cmother l0 per cent get by through wctcbing the 5, crnd lhe other 85 per cent believe everything they hecrr cnd read. I