3 minute read

STRETCHIIIG Our Timber Supply

We hcve cll heard of the novice sent clter a "lumber stretcher." Perhcps the idea is not qs humorous qs it seemed origincrlly. In 1900 only 34% oI the wood in cr tree could be used in the mqnulqcture oI lumber. Through the yecus chemists cnd reseqrch engineers oI Pope d Tclbot cnd other firms hqve devised processes lor mcking use oI necrrly cll the wood. Rcyons, plcrstics, qircrqlt cnd textiles cne but q lew oI the products using wood thcrt were undreamed oI ct the turn oI the century. We qre consicntly experimenting with cellulose cnd ligmin, the two components ol wood . . . tomorrow, who knows whqt secrets wjll evolve lrom the lqborcrtories. Wood hcrs plcryed c stcrrring role in this wan in pecce il wiU become even more versatile. While we cre using more Iumber todcy thcn lilty yecrs a€ro, our timber lcnds cre producing ct cr higher rate thcrn ever, The qnswer is "eliminction of wqsle,, . plus scientific plcrnting cnd logging prcctices . efficient methods thct truly stretch our timber supply.

Douglas Fir Doors are Designed

ffimnil Douglas Fir Doors dre now ovailable from our wdrehouse stocks.

ffimf,f Doors are prefit at rhe mill, trimmed to exact size, reody to hang without sdwing or Fitting.

ffimffi Doors are scuff-stripped to protect the precision-cut corners during handlins and shipping.

Vagabond Editorials

(Continued from Page 10) wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle' and for his widow and orphans; to do all which may achieve and cherish A JUST AND LASTING PEACE among ourselves and with all nation*s." * *

The greatness of these two giants born in February in this favored land, lies basically in their selflessness; in their gentleness, humility, freedo'm from personal ambition, personal vanity, egotism, arrogance, vindictiveness. These blemishing characteristics are missing in all truly great men. Looks like this nation is awaiting the return of some such men as thgse; men who, as Emerson said "forget themselves into immortalityj' Our fighting men furnish us magnificent examples a thousand times a day of selfforgetfulness. But in our public servants today, humility and selflessness seem to be forgotten things.

Ccrldor Adds New Line

The California Door Company, ,Los Angeles, recently added a stock of knocked down Ponderosa Pine window and door frames.

G. O. Fogleman, resident manager, states that the company plans to stock a complete window unit after the war, consisting of the knocked down bundled window frame, double hung glazed window "Prc-Fit," window screen "Pre-Fit," and the most popular type of sash balance.

Los Angeles Visitors

T. W. Rosborough, president of the Rosboro Lumber Co., Springfield, Ore. and Mrs. Rosborough, were recent guests of W. E. Cooper, vice president of the company, and Mrs. Cooper, at their home in Los Angeles. They lvere enroute to Mexico City, Huntsville, Ala., and Hot Springs, Ark.

Chcnge in Nqme

D. R. Philips, president, announces that the Dorothy Philips Steamship Company has ,been changed to the Philips Steamship Company. The S.S. Dorothy Philips, now chartered to the War Shipping Administration, is owned by the Philips Steamship Company.

Reveille To Be Held Apfil 27 At Claremont Hotel, Berkeley

Announcement is made by D. Normen Cords, general chairman for the 13th Annual Reveille of Central and Northern California lumbermen, that the big event will be held in the Spanish Ballroom at the Hotel Claremont, Berkeley, on Friday evening, April 27.

Tickets will go on sale March 15. Attendance will be limited to 350.

Arrangements are being made by the various committee chairmen. These are as follows: Entertainment Committee-Tom Hogan III, Hogan Lumber Co., Oakland; Finance Committee-Frank Teakle, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Oakland; Ticket Sales Committee-Albert A. Kelley, Alameda, and Everett Lewis, Gamerston & Green Lumber Co., Oakland; Publicity Committee-Lewis Godard, Hobbs Wall .Lumber Co., San Francisco; Banquet CommitteeFrank Brown, Pope & Talbot, Inc., Lumber Division, San Francisco; Reception Committee-John Helm, Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco.

General Chairman, D. Normen Cords, Wendling-Nathan Co., San Francisco; Assistant General Chairman, Tom Jacobsen, Piedmont Lumber & Mill Co., Oakland; Secretary, G. W. Sechrist, Loop Lumber & Mill Co., Alameda.

Lincoln Lumber Co. Will Build New Plcnt in Ocrklcnd

Annourlcement is made by Lincoln Lumber Co., Oakland, that they have purchased nine acres at 92nd Avenue and San Leandro Boulevard, Oakland, for 4 new site. L. H. "Abe" Lincoln states that they will go ahead with construction, as soon as conditions will permit, of a modern lumber yard plant, which will include an expansion of their present milling facilities by the addition of new machines.

The new ofifrce and store building will have spacious display rooms, and there will be ample parking space for customers.

Lincoln Lumber Co. has outgrown the present location, 22Ol East 14th Street, and plans for the new plant have been completed. Present lumber handling equipment includes two Ross Carriers; two Hyster lift trucks, and a number of trucks.

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