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Lignum Vitae, the "Wood of Life," so called because of its supposed medicinal, curative powers, was taken back to Europe from the Americas in the 16th century. This was over 10O years before the sailing of the "Mayflower," car' rying our Pilgrim fathers to Plymouth Rock. Little did the physicians and apothecaries think at that time-400 years later, that Lignum Vitae r,vould be so vital today.
Lignum Vitae is the hardest wood known, weighing twice as much as oak. Approximately 30 per cent of its volume is in natural resin which renders the wood self-lubricating, and especially adaptable for use under water. It is used principally in the great Naval vessels of the world for stern bushings, lining stern tubes of propeller shafts, pulleys and rigging gear. There is no substitute for Lignum Vitae.
Davis Hardwood Company, San Francisco, carries, in addition to the Lignum Vitae Logs, a complete stock of the "Lignablock" (Lignum Vitae sawn blocks). The blocks are boxed heart timbers, coated with clear shellac and are stocked in three bracket sizes: 5t' and up by 5" and up, by 24" and longerin length ; 7" and up by 7" and up, by 24" and longer in length; and 10" and up by 10" and up by 24" and longer in length. The grade of the blocks is in accordance with the U. S. Navy Department specifications 39L2d, type "B-Block."
This "Lignablock" is proving very satisfactory. It eliminates considerable r,r'aste. There is saving in transportation costs and labor. Blocks furnished in this form reduce waste in the elimination of sap and irregularities in the log, and save operations in the manufacture of Lignum Vitae bearings for ships.
New Ycrrd in Paso Robles
Builders Market is the name of a new lumber and building material yard recently opened in Paso Robles, Calif. Harold Goodale is manager. He was formerly manager of the Paso Robles yard of Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co.
Iohn L. Todd Grect-Grqndfcther
John L. Todd, president of Western Door & Sash Co., Oakland, became a great-grandfather February 8, when a boy was born in Seattle to Lieutenant and Mrs. V. K. Atkins. Lieut. Atkins is in the submarine service.
See the Acme Incineralor wilh watet washed lop
Redwood Seasoning Committee
San Francisco, California, February 8, l945-Tangible advancement in the technique oi drying durable Redrvood lumber signalized the past initial year of cooperative wood research by the California Redwood lumber industry through its Redr,vood Seasoning Committee.
The Redr,vood Seasoning Committee is composed of the kiln operators of the industry's lumber mills. It was formed a year ago to carry on group and individual investigation into seasoning problems at the miils. Anticipating postu'ar customer requirements, its - sights were set to enhance Redwood's already time-proven qualities to "stay-put."
Manufacture of stress-free dry ldmber was thc major aim of the committee's vl'ork during 1944. Most notable result was the establishment of optimum kiln schedules which, tvithin a short 24-hour reconditioning period, en- tirely relieve casehardening stresses in one-inch Rech'r'ood stock.
In continuance of this important product improving project, the committee this year is committed to explore the problems associated tvith drying other classifications :.i economical Redrvood. It will delve into the particular char' acteristics of this versatile wood as they effect proper seasoning.
At this year's first monthly meeting in January at the mill of The Pacific Lurnber Company, Scotia, Calif., the kiln irperators revier,ved the past year's practicable hndings, charted their course for the ensuing year, and reelected I. G. Utschig, Union Lumber Company, Fort Bragg, Calif., chairman of the comnrittee for 1945. L. W. Orman, The Pacific Lumber Company was elected secretary.