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"qoah "l tlt Uooda" d> Your Guarantee for Quality and Service E. K. WOOD I.T'MBER GO.
F"rnnal J{ewr
Roy Stanton, Jr., back from a trip to
Bacon, manager of Fir-Tex of Northern CaliFrancisco, is back from a business trip to Los ^,9. Chief Keno' Jiorce
E. J. Stanton & S,on, Los Angeles, is the pine mills in Northern .California.
W. Sechrist, Boatswain's of the U. S.
Loop Lumber Mate in the Coast Guard.
& Mill Co., Alameda, is Voluntary Port Security
R. La Franchi, manager of the Fresno branch Morton, Inc., recently returned from a business Curtis McFadden, Associated Lumber Co., Los Angeles, returned February 2l fron a business trip to San F'ran- Northwest' cisco and Northwest points including vancouver ancl VicJones, W. B. Jones Lumber Co., Los Angeles, has toria' B' C' from a three weeks' business trip to the NorthAwcrded Army-Ncrry "E"
Guy Smith, Export Department, American Export Association, Washington, D.C., was a Angeles and San Francis,co visitor.
Earl Strange, White spent a few days in Los middle of February.
Box Shook recent Los
Star Sales Co., Roseburg, Ore., Angeles on business around the lumber dealers, last week on his
F. N. Jones, Putnam & Jones, wholesale Carthage, Mo., was a San Francisco visitor way to the Pacific Northwest.
For its outstanding record in the production of tent poles for the armed services, the Bingen-White Salmon, Washington, plant of the Twin Harbors Lumber Co. of Aberdeen, Washington, received the Army-Navy "8" award at ceremonies held at the Bingen plant on February 15. Army and Navy ofificers, an overseas veteran and representatives of labor and management appeared on the program during which the "E" pennant was conferred.
Ponderosa d Sugcr Pine Lunber & Mouldings
11615 Pcurnelee Avenue ct Impericl Highwcry
Los Angeles 2-Klmball 2953