6 minute read


LUMBEN lA! Mcrlst Street (ll).. ...Yllla 215? f, tlinron-Stutz ConpquY, ll2 Mcrlet Stree{ (lI). ..GArlicld ldl9

Arcqtc Rcdwood Co.

Ecrc Lumber Co.

16- Calilonid St....... ...GArlield 57t18 E:6rool 2082

Builer, Seth L., Slil Front Sr., (ll)... ....GArlield 0292

Christeagon Lunber Co.

Evorr Ave. od Quint St. (21)..VAIucic 5&12

Dcat lS Ru*ell, Inc., lll Front Strect (ll). ...Gf,rffeld 0292

Dotbcer 6 Carroa Lunbcr Co., tll8 Morcbcrte Bccbcage Bldg. (l) DOugIca 7676

(lqaetlioa 6 Grcu Lunber Co.,

1800 tray Street (il). .lTwcter l3(Xl

Ilall, Icnci L., tlll2- Mitts Bldc. (l). ' ' .SUtter ?520

Hcnnond Lunber C6pc!Y,

,ll7 Mmtgomcr? Streit (6). .....DOuglcs 3388

Ilobh Wcll Lumbcr Co.,

,(F Mollqtoncry St. ({)......'...GArfield Zl52

[oluer Eurb]c Lunber Co., ItltS Flncncial Ccaicr Bldg. (l). '.GArlield l92l

C. D. Iohuon Lunbcr Corporction, - 280 iclitoraic Strcct (tl).-.. .GArlield 6258

Xilpctricl d Conpaay, Croclcr Bldc. (d).:.... ...YUhoa 0!ll2 LUI\1tsEN

Ccmpbell-Conro Lumber Co. (Phil Gorslis), 2li Prolessioncl Btds. (l). '.. '. f,ll|oc {-2017

Gcmergton d Green lunber Co., AXtl Livingston St. (6)..'........f,!l!og.{-188{

Hill d Mortoa, Inc.,

Doui:oa Straet Whcrl (7). .Iildover IO77

Hosca lunber Conpcnr, 5d cnd llice Strelts ({). .. .Glencourt 6861

Eollev, Albcrt A.

P, b. Box 2{0 (Alcnedc). .Lclehunt 2-275t! Lttl,tBER

Anolo Cclilonic Lunber Co., &55 E. rloreace Ave. (l)......THornwqll 3l{l

Arcctc Redwood Co. (I. J. Rea)

5{10 Wilsbite Blvd. (36). .WEbeter l9n

.f, tkiuo!-Stutr Conpcny, 628 Petrolcun Btdg. (15)........Pnospect 43{l

Buro Lunber ConpqaY,

727 W. Scvenrb 3r. -(l{). ......TRinity l08l

Ccmpbell-Conro Lunber Co. (R. It[. Engstrcnd),

T0l South Spring St.. ..VAadiLe 55ll

Ccr G Co., L. I. (W. D. Duming),

4l}8 Cb. ol Com. Bldg. (15). .PRotpcct 88/$

Couolidated Lumber Co., 122 W. Jefferesoa St. (7). .Rlcbnond zltll l{{5 E Anaheim St., Wilmiastoa. .Wiln. 0120; NE. 6-1881

Cooper, W. E,,

606-608 Richlield Blds' (13).......MUlucl 2l3l

Dcnt d Busell, Iuc.,

812 E. 59rh Skeet (l). ...ADqtr 8l0l

Dolbaer d Cqnon, Lunber Co.,

901 Fideliry Bldg. (13)..........Vtrldile 8792

Ed, Fountcin Lunber Co.,

528 Pctroleum Bldg. (15). .PRospect 4341

Hcnmond Lunber CompoY,

2010 So. Alcnedc St.-(5{)......PBospect 1333

Hobbg Wctl Lunber Co.,

625 Rowcn Blds. (13). ...TRiritt 5088

Holno Eurela Lunber Co.,

7ll-712 Architccta 8lds. (f3).. '..MUtucl 9l8l

Hoover, I,. L., 52i15 Wilshirc Blvd, (36). .YOrL 1168 trilpctricL ll Compqar (WilEiaqilon) l?,{0 BlirD f,ve. .NEvcdc 6-1888

Ccrl H. f,uhl Lunber Co., (R. S. Osgood), m{ S. Sprirs Si. (la). ...TRiaity 8225

Rosg C. fchlev (8. G. Bobbiag Lunber Co.), 7ll W, Olvn-pic Blvd' (15)......PRmpect 0724

Lmence-Philis Lunber Co., 63il Poiroleu; Bldg. (15)........PRolpoct 8l7l

MccDorcld Co.. L. W.,

7ll 1\f. Ofrnpic Bfvd. (15)..... 'PRoapect 719{

Pccific Lu5er Co., The

5225 Wilebire Btvd' (36). " ' ' ...YOrL 1168 rPostoffice Zone Number in Parenthesis.




Strcble Hardwood ConPcnY, First @d Clay Streeti (7)..'.TEnplebcr

White Brothorr, 500 High Street (l). ....ANdover

Ilos Angeles


Pcrelius Lumber Co, (Toste Lunber Co.), 325 Petroleun Bldg. (15).'.'..'.PBoapect

Pctrick Lumber Co., Ecsbaa Lunber Sqleg, 7ll W. Olynpic Blvd' (15). ..PRospoct

Penberlhv Luber Co., 58{Xt S6urh Eoyle Avc' (ll)...'..Klnbcll

Pope 6 Tclbot. Inc., Lunber Divisioa ,U W. OtyEpic Blvd. (15)......Pnospect

Scn Pe&o Lumber Co., l5l8 S. Ceutrcl Ave. (21)....'.Rlcbnond

1800-A Wilmiaston Rocd (Scn Pedro).... .....So Pedro

Scbcler Bros. Lumber 6 Sb,ingle Co., ll7 W. grb Srreet (15) .TBinity

Shevlia Piae Sales Co., 330 Petroleum Blds. (15)........PRospect

Simpson ludutriea, lnc., l5l0 E, Wqshilgton Blvd. (21) .PRospect Slquto!, E. I. G Sor, 2050 E, {l;t Sr, (ll). ...CEntury 29211

Suddea d Chrigteneon, Inc., 6Sl Bocrd ol Trcde Btdg. (l{)....TRinirv

Taconq Lunber Scles, 837 Petroleun Bldg. (15)........PBoepect

Togte Lumber Co,, 326 Petroleun Bldg. (15)......'.Pnospoct

Wendlina-Ncthcn Co,, 5225 Wilshire Blvd. (36). .YOr}

ItrIegl Oreson trunber Co.. ,127 Petr6leu Bldg. (15)....... .Blchnond

W. W. Williason, 318 W. gth Street (15). .TRinitY

Wsverhceuger Sqlee Co., lilg w, M. G<rrlcnd Bldg. (15)..Mlchigc

E. K. Wood Lunber Co., 4710 So, Alanedc St' (5{)....... .IEflenon



Americca Lunber 6 TrectiaE Co., lfitl S. Drocdway (15). .PRo3P.ct

Bqxter,LH,&Co., 601 Wlct 5th Street (13). .Mlchigan

Pow ll lclbot, hc., Lunber Divieion, 7il W. OtyDpic Blvd. (15).. .PRorPcct


E. L. Brucc Co., $ Ssa Bruno Ave. (3)............MArlot l&18

Dcvir Hcrdwood Conpcav, 8(rr at Ma3o! strcc[ (5t..........EXbrooL {321

White Brotherr,Fllth crd Brcanon Strcetr (7)..,.. .SUtter 1365


Hcbor Ptvwood Corp. oI Cclilonic, 5{0 lorh-st..

Uuited Stqtos Plvwood Corp., tltl Any Sr. 110).


Cclilonic Buildcrr Supplv Co.' fltO 6th Avcaue (l)..... ..Hlgctc.60l5

Iloqqa Lumber ConpsDy, Zia qad Alicc Str6ets- ({)......Glencourt 6861

Ulitod Statsr PlYwood Corp', 5?0 3rd St. (7):....... :.. .....TWiaocke 55{l

Weslerr Door d Scah Co., Sth d Cyprear Slreetc (7)......TEnplebcr Slllll

E, K, Wood Luuber Go', 2lll Fredericlr Street (5). ...KEllos Lltf,


Americcn Hcrdwood Co., 1900 E. l5rh Street (5{)..... '....PRospect {2llll

E. L. Eruce Co., 5975 So. West6r! Ave. (4{). ,. .TWinoqls 9128

Stdnlon,E,LGSon, 2050 Ecst {lst Street (ll).........CEntury 2921I

Wstom Hcrdwood Lunber Co., 2014 Eqst lsth Stroot (55).......PRospect 616l sAsH-D OOnS-MILLWOnT-SCnEENS


Back Pcnel Conpcay, 310-3I{ Ecst 32nd-Srreet (ll)....ADams li|Ls

Cclilornic Door Conpcny, Thc

P. O. Box 125, Venbn StctioD(ll) Klmbcll 2l'll

Calilcnic Pcnel & Veaeer Co.,

P. O. Box AF6, Teniacl Auex (5{) ...TniaitY 0057

Cobb Co., T, M., 5800 Coatrcl lvenue (ll)....... 'ADcns llllT

Dcvidson Plwood d Vencer Co.,

2(15 Earerbrise St. (21)..........TRinity 2581

Eubo& C Son, L. H, (Ilslowood) {33 W. Redondo Blvd.. .ORegoa 8-2255

Halev Bros. (Sqntc Monica) l6?b l4th Street... .......AShley {-2288

Eoehl, Ino. W. d Soa, 652 S. Myers Sireet (23)........ANgelus 8l9l

Orecon Wcshingtoa PlYwood Co., 3le West Nirtf, Streot- (15). .TBiaity l6t3

Pqcific Mutuql Door Co., l6fil E, Wmbinston Blvd. (21)..PRospect 9523

Recm Comoonv, Geo, E., 235 S. Alimedc Street (12). .Mchigca l85l

Sqmpson Co. (Pqsqdenc), 7{5 So. Rcymond Ave, (2). .BYcn l-6€119

Simmon Industries, Iac., 1610 E, Wcshirgton Blvd. (21)..PRospect 6lql United Stctes Plvwood Corp., 1930 Ecat l5th-St. (21)........Blchnoad 8l0l

Weet Cocgt Screen Co., lltlS Ect 63rd Street (l).........'ADqu lll03

Wortor! Mill il MouldirE Co., 11615 Pcnelee Ave. (2)........Elnbcll 2$il

E, f,. Wood Lunber Co., rl7l0 S, Aloedc Si. (5r!)........lElfcna .tlll

East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club Celebratas 2Oth Anniversary

The regular dinner meeting of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39 held at Hotel Claremont, Berkeley, on Monday evening, February 19, brought out a big crowd.

President Wm. Chatham, Jr. presided, and Larue Woodson took charge of the first part of the program which was the celebration of the Club's 20th Anniversary. He asked Norm Cords, the youngest past president to introduce the one who preceded him and worked back in this way until Clem Fraser was introduced. Nine past presidents were in attendance and they made their introductions in clever rhymes and jingles that created a lot of amusement. Those rvho were at the meeting in addition to those already mentioned were: George Clayberg, Lewis Godard, Tom Bran_son, llenry Hink, G. F. (Jerry) Bonnington and Bert Bryan. Absent were Jim Overcast (now in the U. S. Army), Shirley Forsey, Miland Grant, Earle Johnson and Ray B. Cox.

Bert Bryan paid a tribute to the five past presidents who have passed away. These are: Gordon Pierce, C. I. Gilbert, H. Sewall Morton, James Neighbor and Charles Lamb.

The speaker of the evening was Wm. R. Piden, superintendent of schools for the City of Alameda, who has made the history of the West his hobby. Mr. Paden told the story of De Anza's expedition from Mexico City to establish the Presidio and Mission of San Francisco in 1775. He received hearty applause and an invitation to give another talk in the future.

Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Concat Mar. 23

The Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club will hold a dinner and concatenation at the University Club, 614 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, Friday evening, March 23. A large class of Kittens will be initiated.

Lieut. Long Ellis, PT boat skifper and section commander who served on port and convoy duty in the North Atlantic, Caribbean Sea and South Pacific, was the speaker at the club luncheon meeting on February 16, and gave an interesting talk on his war experiences. He has been awarded the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, and a Citation for Bravery. Lieut. Long is a grandson of the late R. A. Long, Long-Bell T umber Co.

Among the out-of-town guests at the meeting were Virgil Leach, General Hardwood Co., Detroit; Bill Freeman, Western Administrator of Order L-335, Portland; Malcolm McDonald, head of the Lumber Distribution Section of the OPA, Washington, D.C.; O. N. Reynard, Ambrose Mill & Lumber Co., and Frank Harrison of Santa Barbara

Fire Dcrmages Lumber Shed

A fire which virtually destroyed the plumbing equipment factory of the Eljer California Co. at Los Angeles the night of February 19, also damaged a near-by shed and some oak lumber at the plant of E. J. Stanton & Son with a loss of about $15,000.


Specialists in Custom Milling and Kil,n Drying

Custom Miiting

Resowing, ripping qnd trimming ct our remonufqcturing plant crt Long Beach, Colif.

Kiin Drying

Our kilns ohd operqtors crre certified by Government for drying oircraft lumber. We olso do other commerciol drying.


1405 Wcrter St., Long Beqch 2

L. B. 6-9235


621 So. Spring St. Los Angeles 14

TRinity 9651

We Are Proud

of the honor bestowed on the men crnd women oI our organization when they received recently the Army-Ncrvy Production Award lor high cchievement in the production oI war mcteriql.

And we crppreciate the expressed desire oI edch employee to continue his work until his iob is completed.

433 W. Redondo Blvd.

ORegon 8-2255

Inglewood, Ccrlil.

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