1 minute read


What Will the Next Thousand Days and Nights Do To This Home

vA new horne starts life so full of promise, only to bring disappointment in a few short years. It cracks and creaks, windows rattle, doors stick and f,oors are uneven. The home owner is div mayed and feels nor-e too kindly toward architect, builder and lumber dealer. But it is so easy to avoid these disappointments. Use ITOODTOX reated wood. It is practical. ft is economical. It assures lasting satisfaction to everyone concerned.

vWOODTOX (wood preservatice and moisture repellent) easily and economically applied, controls decay, stain, mold, mildew, termites, lyctus beetles and wood borers plus control of warping, shrinkir:.g, checking and grain raising.

TIMBERTOX (wood preservative only) . controls decay, stain, mold, mildew, termites, lyctus beetles and wood borers.

WOODFIX (water repellent only) controls warping, shrinking, checking and grain raising.

CTOVERNMENT REQUIREMENTS all Army, Navy, Maritime Commission and Public Housing Authority specificadons callirg for chlorinated phenol wood preservatives, moisture repellents and coloring are fully met by our ITOODTOX, TIMBERTOX and WOODFIX Oil Solutions.

SEND FOR BULLETINS . . full descriptions of purposes and methods of application of standard wood control preparations. These bulletins will give you the answer ro befter homes.

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