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Bishopric\Nanu facturing Company Opens New Plant
Said to be Largest Stucco Plant in World
The Bishopric N{anufacturing Company, of California, has completed its new and modernly equipped plant for the manufactnre of their rvell known products, Bishopric Stucco and Bishopric Stucco Base. The plant is located at 62nd St. and South Park Avenrre, in the Goodyear Industrial district, in Los Angeles.
Up to the present time these products have been shipped from the_ home plant of the Bishopric Company, at Cincinnati, Ohio, lvhere they have been manufaCtur-ed for the past seventeen years.
_ The California organiz-.ation is formed for a quarter million dollars of rvhich amount $150,000.00 was eipended for this new plant and the machinery to be used in the manufacture of their products.
With a-floor space area o_f 47,m square feet, this factory extends the size of their Ottawa, Canada, and Cincinnati. Ohio, plants, in fact it is said to be the largest and best equipped plant for the exclusive manufacture of stucco and stucco base, in the world.
William B. Bohn, president of the Bishopric Company. of California has said: "Our decision to buiid a factorv in California was formed by the fast increasing demand of California for better homes, better materials-and a large range of colors to choose from in the purchase of Bishopric Stucco.
"The Los Angeles plant rvill elirninate the overland freight, and our territory will include all cities west of the Rocky Mountains. We plan to maintain a close contact betu'een factory and dealer.
"We have the very highest quality product on the market today and we are interested in each individual .job. We have ah inspection service established solely to see that each job receives proper r,r'orkmanship and a satisfactory job."
Associated with Mr. Bohn are Mr. Frank W. Jones, secretarv and treasurer, and Mr. Allan Bishopric, vicepresident. Mr. Bohn lvas formerly rvith the Bohn Refrigcrating Company.
\'Ir. Jones r,r'as previousll' connected with the Bishopric plant in Cincinnati.
Bishopric is claimed by the makers to be the only colored, rvaterproof stucco which is guaranteed not to crack or fade; it comes in small drums reacly prepared, merely requiring to be mixed with rvater as per specifications.
Ten different colors or shacles thereof are ready for selection. Statistics shorv that about 60 per cent of the homes in the \Alest are of stucco, and the East the percentage is but 3 per cent of the total.